Setup and Usage


Step 1

Head over to the main MineralManager BukkitDev page where you can find updates and useful information about MineralManager. Click the Download link in the top right to navigate to latest version's download page.

Tutorial Part 1

Step 2

Download the latest version of MineralManager by clicking the Download button in the top right corner or by clicking the MineralManager.jar link beneath the Filename section under Facts. This page also contains a list of all the updates and fixes that have been implemented in this version of the plugin.

Tutorial Part 2

Step 3

After you've downloaded MineralManager, open the folder you downloaded the file to as well as your main server folder. Once you've got both folders open, copy the MineralManager.jar file into the plugins folder.

Tutorial Part 3

Step 4

Once you've got the MineralManager.jar file in your plugins folder, start your server as normal and check the console for any errors that may have occurred. If you do encounter and error, submit a ticket via the BukkitDev Ticket Handler and supply as much of the requested information as you can.

Tutorial Part 4

Step 5

Once you've started your server, open the plugins folder and make sure it contains a MineralManager folder. If that folder wasn't created, make sure MineralManager.jar is in your plugins folder and restart your server. If the folder is still not created submit a ticket using the BukkitDev Ticket Handler.

Tutorial Part 5

Step 6

Now open the MineralManager folder and check to see that it contains config.yml and a bin folder. The config.yml file is the file that you will use to set up all of the different region configurations that you want to use on your server. These configurations allow you to dictate which ores will re-spawn, with what conditions, and a variety of other options which will be discussed in detail later in the tutorial. The bin folder contains all the technical information about how MineralManager interacts with your server. This information should not be tampered with unless specifically directed to.

Tutorial Part 6

Basic Usage and Customization

Part 1

Now that MineralManager has been successfully installed you can now start using the plugin and customize it to your needs. Open the config.yml file with Wordpad or your favorite text editor. (Note: If your text editor has options for auto-tabbing make sure you disable them as yml files must not contain any tab characters outside of comments.)

The config.yml file is broken into two parts, the first part being the DEFAULT section which contains settings that should be applied to all configurations and the second being the CONFIGURATION section that contains each individual configuration with its specific properties. Common practice is to set all properties except which blocks are to be managed in the DEFAULT section, and leave the CONFIGURATION section to set which blocks are managed and override any defaults if needed.

More detailed information about the config.yml file and configuration properties can be found in the MineralManager v2.1 Info page.

Usage Part 1

Part 2

Now log into your server (You can leave your config.yml file at its default settings for now if you'd like.). Once you've logged in, type /mm to get a list of all of the MineralManager commands. If no commands are printed or a permission error is printed, make sure you are an op or have the MineralManager.Admin permission if usePermissions is enabled in the config.yml file.

/mm select <...>

This is an advanced user command and will be covered in an advanced tutorial later.

/mm create <region name> <configuration> <level>

This is the bread and butter of MineralManager regions. For new users, simply type /mm create and a region creation wizard will be started that will walk you through creating a region. The more advanced usage will be covered in another tutorial later.

/mm remove <region name>

This removes the region from MineralManager's memory. (Note: This will not reset any active blocks in the region, they will regenerate as normal when enough time has passed)

/mm list

Lists all currently managed regions as well as their world, shape, configuration and level.

/mm lock

Protects a block from being mined with silk touch and forces the block to drop its resource as normal.

/mm creative

Puts you into MineralManager Creative Mode allowing you to remove blocks without causing them to go on cool-down as well as allows you to place natural blocks that work with the mineOriginalOnly configuration setting.

Usage Part 2

Part 3

To create your first region type /mm create to start the region creation wizard.

Usage Part 3

Part 3.5

To stop the creation wizard at any time simply type /quit and the wizard will end.

Usage Part 3.5

Part 4

The first option you are presented with when creating a region is how you would like to select that managed area.


Selects the entire world that you're in.


Selects a cube centered on your location with a xz-radius and a y-radius input by the user.


Defines a cube by selecting a start and end location. (Similar to the wand tool used in WorldEdit)


Allows the player to walk around a region to create an abnormally shaped poly-cylinder. Under development


Gives a brief description of each selection type and allows you to choose again.

Usage Part 4

Part 5

Simply type in the name of the selection type in chat and MineralManager will continue with the creation wizard using that selection.

Usage Part 5

Part 6

After you supply the wizard with all of the information pertaining to the selection you must give the region a name. A region name can be anything that does not contain any spaces and is not the same as any other regions.

Usage Part 6

Part 7

Just type the region name into chat and press enter to move on to the next part.

Usage Part 7

Part 8

Once you've named your region you need to select the configuration to be applied to it. You can choose from any of the configurations that are defined in the config.yml file.

Usage Part 8

Part 9

Type the name of the region into chat and press enter, if you miss typed the name of the configuration the wizard will warn you and allow you to try again.

Usage Part 9

Part 10

Once you've entered the configuration name you must select the level, or precedence, of the region. Simply put, if two regions overlap the region with the higher level will take effect and the lower level region will be ignored. If two regions overlap and have the same level, the behavior is undetermined.

Usage Part 10

Part 11

For world selections it is common practice to set the level to zero and any sub-regions in the world will be set to at least one.

Usage Part 11

Part 12

Now that all of the information is supplied, MineralManager presents you with a summary of your options and asks you to confirm or decline the creation of this region by typing either Yes to confirm or No to decline.

Usage Part 12

Part 13

If you type Yes the region is created and you are presented with a green Region made! message.

Usage Part 13


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