Generate a maze

Generate a maze

All available algorithms and arguments to generate a maze are listed below.

How to use a special mazegenerator:

If you use the "//maze" command, you can specify a mazegenerator with the "-gen" argument. Just type "//maze -gen <genname>

//maze [other arguments] => generates a maze with a random generator
//maze -gen prims [other arguments] => generates a maze using "prims" algorithm
//maze -gen [other arguments] => Causes an error, if you use the "-gen" argument, you have to specify a generator

#Default mazegenerators: ##Prims

Full name: Prims mazegenerator
Aliases: prims
Requirements: Min. width/length: 5

  • -mat <pattern> => Choose the material of the walls.
  • -bottom <pattern> => Choose the material of the bottom.
  • -top <pattern> => Choose the material of the ceiling.
  • -torches => Generate torches
  • -h <int> => Change the height of the torches
  • -p <int> => Change the chance for a torch. (0-100)
  • -nodoors => Don't generate doors

//maze -gen prims -mat 20%wood:1,20%wood:2,20%wood:3,40%stone -bottom brick -top glass -torches
//maze -gen prims -torches -h 1 -p 100 (Every block has a torch (100%-chance))
//maze -gen prims -mat stone -bottom 46 -top red

##Prims Chaotic

Full name: Prims chaos mazegenerator
Aliases: primsc
Requirements: Same as "prims"
Arguments: Same as "prims" ##Deep First Search

Full name: DeepFirstSearch mazegenerator
Aliases: dfs
Requirements: Same as "prims"
Arguments: Same as "prims" ##Deep First Search Chaotic

Full name: Deep First Search Chaotic mazegenerator
Aliases: dfsc
Requirements: Same as "prims"
Arguments: Same as "prims" ##Laddermaze

Full name: Laddermaze
Aliases: ladder,laddermaze
Requirements: Min. width/length/height: 5

  • -mat <pattern> => Choose the material of the walls.
  • -bottom <pattern> => Choose the material for all bottoms
  • -fh <int> => Change the height of one floor
  • -v => Instead of using ladders, use vine
  • -g => Instead of using Prims as lowlevel generator, use DFS
  • -s => Hide the bottom of all floors
  • -noladders => Don't generate ladders
  • -torches => Generate torches
    • -r => Use redstonetorches instead of normal torches
    • -p <int> => Change the percentage
    • -h <int> => Change the height of the torches

//maze -gen ladders -mat brick -bottom wool:red -s -torches -p 20
//maze -gen ladders -mat brick -torches -h 1 -p 25 -r
//maze -gen laddermaze -mat obsidian -v -fh 4
//maze -gen laddermaze -noladders


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