Installation Part 2 - The Web Interface

Now that MineloadPlugin is installed and is diligently delivering you XML, you need a nice way to view it. One option is my web interface.


  • Web server with PHP installed preferably one you setup your self that you have full control over.
  • I recommend a GNU/Linux based operating system.

Special care needs to be taken port forwarding so everything works

Explaining how to do this for every combination of modem/router/firewall product is near-impossible. I trust you know how to forward addresses if you are beind a NAT/Firewall/Something else.

This diagram might help Mineload port configuration

Basically the Web browser needs to communicate with with your Minecraft server running the JSONAPI plugin on ports (20059, 20061) for the console and plugin config editor to work.

The Web Server needs to communicate to the minecraft server on port 25500 to fetch the XML data for the main gauges.


  • Fetch the latest, upload and extract it to your website somewhere.
  • Make sure the config folder is writable eg
    chmod 777 config
    (or on windows right click this then that and then tick the thing [I can't remember how to use windows]).
  • Navigate to
  • You will be guided through the rest of the install process through a handy 'installer'
  • Remember to delete or rename the install folder so someone doesn't run it again!

Hopefully you are viewing your live updating data now!

Possible Future Scenario

Since first starting the web interface project, I have always kept in mind the idea of making the web interface part of the plugin inside an internal web server (like what dynmap) so most of the code is JavaScript not PHP that does magic. PHP is only needed to handle authentication to access the server. I could create a version that runs inside a mini HTTP server in the plugin but this would drastically increase the size of the plugin and minecraft server resource usage.

The massive advantage is the plugin installation would be much easier and less user-mistake prone.