
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.



Quote from eNnillaMS:

To all those who have come, and to those who will come in future (should there be any): This is my goodbye.
With all the old staff gone, Minecraft sold to Microsoft, and the Bukkit project basically in limbo, I've resolved to leave the Minecraft Modding community. No further updates to MineJobs will be released, and neither will there be any new plugins from myself now that I see no future for this medium.
A great thanks however to those who've supported me since my plugin's inception! 12000+ downloads is an impressive count, as is having as many as 150 servers running my plugin at once, and I won't soon forget what you've all done for me.

Adios friends.
- Heath


This is a jobs plugin designed to allow staff members to create and modify jobs for players on their servers. It was originally designed to be a no-fluff get-to-work kinda plugin, but I've been hard at work adding numerous OPTIONAL features. Players can log in, get a job, and start making money right away. Admins can modify every aspect of a job from in-game. Some players (Optional feature) can even create jobs for other people to work at, and they have the same job-modding commands as admins (they can't mod server jobs)! Job systems available include: Digging, Killing, Fishing, Building, Crafting, Smelting, Brewing, and Enchanting AND Digging and Killing have optional tool value modifiers!

Installation and Use:

It's as simple as dragging and dropping the jar file into your plugins folder, as long as you have Vault installed. If you don't have Vault, then get it because MineJobs is useless without an economy hook. As said above, players can join and get started right away under the right setups, but you might also need to run some Commands to make everything work right for you; and for more advanced setups, you should head over to the Permissions page, along with the Configuration help page.
Comment with suggestions for new features and tricky errors (read the startup logs first, they'll tell you what's up)!

Important Update (v5.0):

I'm back everybody! The new update features a number of small enhancements, including a version checker to tell you if there's a new version available, PluginMetrics to tell me just how many of you guys really care, and some new error outputs for Signs, mainly to tell you whether they're enabled or not because tests really didn't show anything but success on my end. UUIDs have been implemented, and configuration files will automatically update as players begin to filter into your servers.

Note about data collection:

PluginMetrics collects minimal data about the system you are operating the plugin on (Operating System, Number of Processor Cores, Java version, etc.) and can be disabled by toggling the "opt-out" variable in the configuration file of the PluginMetrics folder. This plugin also checks for updates using the Curse ServerMods-API, which can be disabled via. config.yml of the MineJobs folder. The variable "updateChecks" will disable checking for updates AND automatically downloading updates, while the variable "autoUpdate" thereby relies on "updateChecks" and can disable automatically updating the plugin, should you only want to check for updates and then download the update yourself later. All of the above toggles are set by default to 'true', and can be disabled by changing their values to 'false'.


((I'll do a DevWalkthrough Video soon, since I just upgraded my computer, just gimmie a bit))

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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 10, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Aug 27, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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