MineConomy v1.4
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UploadedJul 14, 2012
Size133.35 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.2.5-R4.0
- Version 1.4 -
* Updated to Bukkit 1.2.5-R4.0
* MCFormat class added
* Balances are now formatted
* MySqlAccounting class added (Accounting class for MySQL)
* Underlying code structure reorganized (MCCom still fully accessible)
* Added support for Vault and Multiple Currencies
* Settings optimized for database implementations
* Time Formats for Settings
* Migration Support for Language File, Settings File and Databases added
* Language File Updates (Added MineConomy tag)
* Auto-Saves (With Time Format)
- Version 1.3 -
* Updated to Bukkit 1.2.5-R3.0
* iConomy to MineConomy conversion built-in
* Log updates
* "_Default" currency changed to "Dollars"
* Bug fixes, Minor additions and Code cleanup
- Version 1.2 -
* Updated to Minecraft 1.2.5
* Tax and Interest fixes
* MCLang class added
* Language support implemented
* Customizable Language Files
* Currency fixes
* Balance handling fixes
* ".accounts" to ".yml" conversion removed
* In-Game reload command (save command fix)
* Banks implemented
* In-Game Commands for Banks
* GUI updated
* Logging Priority Settings
* MineConomy Private Log
* Numerous other bug fixes and updates
- Version 1.1 -
* Properties changed to Config (YML)
* ExteriorPlugin class changed to MCCom
* MCPlayerListener class changed to MCListener
* MCCommandExecutor class changed to ChatExecutor
* Internal classes accessed through MCCom (An Added Safety Precaution)
* Currencies
* Updates to implement currencies
* In-Game Save Command
* Auto Update deprecated, Update check is unchanged
* GUI No Longer Reloads Server
* Welcome Message Fix
* Top Command
* Updated to Minecraft 1.2.3
* Banks system added (not yet implemented)
- Version 1.0.4 -
* Colored Balances (Based on Pos/Neg Balance)
* Tax/Interest (Optional/Configurable)
* Auto Generate Readme
* Organization for Properties File (Alphabetic)
* Welcome Message on Login
* "/money" Command Label acts the same as "/mc" Command Label
* Auto Update Feature
* Server-side GUI (Optional)
* Experience as a Physical Currency (Optional)
* Support for more future physical currencies
* Added further support for Exterior Plugins
- Version 1.0.3 -
* Give Command Fix
- Version 1.0.2 -
* "Empty" Node Fix
* New Class Added (IOH) - Streamlines Log Code
- Version 1.0 -
* Basic Structure Added
* Basic Features Added