QuarterBukkit | (PluginManager) | MinecartRevolution
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There are stable versions of MinecartRevolution available! Get them from here
Basic Description
What is MinecartRevolution? It's a modern Minecart-Plugin for Bukkit which features simple functions for beginners and professional ones like an own english-like natural scripting language (RevoScript).
You can use it simple with control signs and control blocks, define the expression scripts and create new controls in configuration files. You can also write plugins for more complicated controls and new RevoScript elements.
- Create Boosters, Brakes, Elevators & Reverses with only placing a block below a rail!
- Create Announcements, Farming, Stations, Holds, Intersections, Sensors, Chest-Transfers, Collectors, Effects & more with high-customizable control signs!
- You can customize your plans even more with a whole human-like expression language!
- Everybody can write auto-updating plugins for MinecartRevolution which can modify most of the properties and add new expressions & controls. Such plugins are written in Java!
- MinecartRevolution requires QuarterBukkit-Plugin which is automatically downloaded by MinecartRevolution after the user agreed to the download (restart of the server, see the QuarterBukkit page).
- MinecartRevolution and all MinecartRevolution plugins feature auto updating (disabled by default) and new version availability notification (enabled by default). You can enabled or disable both behaviors in the main config file under "plugins/MinecartRevolution/config.yml".
- MinecartRevolution features metrics integration. Metrics collects your server settings (like auth mode) and system properties (like architecture), as well as game stats (like the amount of online players). You can disable that by setting "opt-out" to "true" in the metrics config file under "plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml".
For the feature, please use the ticket system. - Nolig out.
In Beta 1.5.0, we'll fix that (we began yesterday).
Hi I'm moving across from MM, just started running Beta 1.4.0 and noticed that on inclines put on blocks of plain sand it detects this as a sandstone (or fly block). Also upon plugin reload it does not seem to want to keep it's settings. For example after reloading Hold signs stop working and gold blocks no longer boost.
I understand that MR is still in beta. If you could add the feature that causes intersection blocks to stop the minecart with a player in it and tell the player to choose a direction to go...that would be awesome!
Thanks again to the MR development team :D
First: http://www.minecartrevolution.com/wiki/index.php?title=General Your request, is not implemented yet.
I found an example config of MM for toggling player controlled intersections. How do I do this in MR? Here are the contents of the example config "MinecartManiaStationSettings.txt":
Minecart Mania Station 0.21
com.afforess.minecartmaniastation.MinecartManiaStation Config Settings
----------Setting: Station Block
Value: 45
Description: Intersection Station Block.
---Setting: Intersection Prompts
Value: 1
Description: If set to 0, Will prompt users for their intended direction when a player
reaches an intersection. If set to 1, will prompt users only if the
intersection has a station block underneath. If set to 2 players
will never be prompted at intersections.
Yeah, you're right, i'll add this in the wiki now.
Sorry to be a bother but how do i set the punch function in the config? I cant find any info about the punch function on the wiki. There is no mention of the word "punch" in the config file. Could you give me an example config entry? BTW I really appreciate your help Nolig.
You can choose this with the punch function...
Thanks for your response Nolig, however if you would take the time to read my previous post you would see that beta 1.4.0 does NOT include the feature that I have asked for which is for the player who is in the cart to be able to choose the direction they want to go by clicking on the cart in the direction they want to go. What I'm asking for here is an intersection where the player who is in the cart can choose which way they want to go.
Danke fuer dein Report, wir werden uns drum kuemmern.
You say you've added the "Automatic Player Controlled Intersections" in Beta 1.4.0 but I have tested 1.4 and as far as I can tell that feature does not exist. Please refer to this link http://wiki.afforess.com/Minecart_Mania-Plugin/Intersection_Stations and read the paragraph titled "Automatic Player Controlled Intersections". That is the feature I am looking for.
Hallo, erstmal wunderschön das sich jemand nochmal die Mühe macht das Plugin neu aufzusetzen.
Ich habe vorhin festgestellt das wenn ein Minecart Holzkohle aus einer Kiste entnimmt und in einen Ofen legt daraus normale Kohle wird und so leider nciht nachgefüllt werden kann. Nachgefüllt wird erst wieder wenn die ganze Kohle verbraucht ist Wenn man den Server neustartet kann man seltsamerweise nicht mehr auf seine Chestcarts zugreifen die z.B. Holz farmen
Gruß Dominik
We've added it in update Beta 1.4.0 ;)
I would like to request an intersection feature from MM. You can find the feature here http://wiki.afforess.com/Minecart_Mania-Plugin/Intersection_Stations
A direct quote of the feature I would like to see in MR from the MM wiki:
"Automatic Player Controlled Intersections
By default, if any player reaches an intersection, their minecart will pause, and ask them which direction they intend to go. Tapping the minecart in that direction will resume travel in the indicated direction. This is handy for smaller rail line setups. But more advanced rail lines might not want players to have control over their destination. So player controlled intersections can be restricted to only intersections with a brick beneath, or even turned off completely."
I would love to see this feature added to MR! Thank you guys so much for working on Minecart Revolution. :D
In the time without me, I coded 1/4 of the MR Beta 1.5.0 Update!
Nice to hear! Keep on the good work !!!together!!! I'm looking forward to the next Update! :)
To all, we had problems with our team and many have noticed In-Game, this is the announcement that now is everything okay again & MinecartRevolution will be further developed,
i could translate to danish if needed
Yeah, pm me! That would be really nice ; - )