Supported Bukkit Versions
- Translation-Installer-System
- Better PatchRegion-system: The patcher patches all worlds, and all chunks within 2 - 5 seconds...
- Bugfix: The chest-sign now works with the new format
- Bugfix: You can now use 'allitems' with the new format
- New command: /mr compass will show you the direction (N, E, S or W) where are you looking
- Feature added to [Eject], now you can write a coordinates on the third line, than the entity in the minecart will teleported to this location
- Seperate MinecartRevolution-log (minecart-revolution.log in the plugin-dir)
- New: You can disable/enable when a player who sit in a minecart quit the server, get the minecart in his inventory
- Fixed Lock: Now a player can't destroy his cart, when his cart is locked
- You can use 'allitems' on the collect-sign
- PatchRegion for Chest-signs of MM
- PatchRegion for Smelt-signs of MM
- New control-sign: InvClear for clearing only defined items at InvClear-block
- You can use words instant of item-ids everywhere