There are sound and particle effects for serveral control blocks (config toggle)
Chunks with minecarts loads automatically (config toggle)
New control sign: Effect sign for playing an effect
New control sign: Crafting sign
New block/sign place API
There are control block and -sign destroying messages
You can define all control block and -sign destroying messages
You can define more than one effect on a minecart
N, S, E and W are now correct
On Item-Inventory-Sensors, you can define more thean one item id (ID1,ID2 ...)
New sign converter function: MinecartMania-sensor-signs to MinecartRevolution-sensor-signs
New control sign: [TrainStation], the station sign of TrainCarts (also with an obsidian-block)
You can use the elevator downstairs
Now you have to use '+' and '-' for the [Chest] sign. When you hit /mr patchregion the old signs should patched to the new ones
Now you can use "Add" and "Remove" for the [Farm] sign, than the minecart is in the farm modus and will continue farming until it reaches a "Remove" sign