Supported Bukkit Versions
- New control block: Intersection block
- Minecart differentation intersection
- Player differentation intersection
- Inventory contains intersection
- Item in player hand intersection
- Direction differentation intersection
- New control sign: Time sign
- New control sign: Weather sign
- New farm control signs: Weed, Pumpkin, Melon and Sugar cane
- New control signs: Sensor signs:
- Minecart differentation sensor
- Player differentation sensor
- Inventory contains sensor
- Item in player hand sensor
- Direction differentation sensor
- Removed the Select sign
- Chest signs can transfer all items (with 'allitems' instead of item ids)
- Better /mr help text
- Better /mr info text
- You can use the pretty control blocks at 2 places
- You can use the sign at 5 places
- Code clean up
- You can't punch the minecart when you're in lock-mode
- You can toggle the punch function in the config
- Message on toggling lock-mode