chest wont pic up items from the cart #100

  • New
  • Defect
Assigned to jrbudda
  • _ForgeUser13082156 created this issue Jan 24, 2014

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1.just build a farm

    What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
    the chest should pic up the wood out of the minecart

    What version of the product are you using?
    the latest (the one witch is on

    Do you have an error log of what happened?

    Please provide any additional information below.

  • _ForgeUser13082156 added the tags New Defect Jan 24, 2014
  • _ForgeUser13082156 posted a comment Jan 24, 2014

    ok.. missklicked .... :/ so I'm trying to get my chest to get out a specific item. I'f try'd it in many way's but i cant get my chest to pic up stuff from the minecart. the strange thing is that if i give him the order [all items] it works but not if i just want wood[5]. the way I'm looking my sign sas [Collect items] [5] were am i misreading the tutorial?

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