MinecartMania 2.1.2 beta1
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UploadedMay 5, 2013
Size405.67 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.5.2
Proper changelog since we're in beta. 2.1.2 beta1 Update for cb 1.5.2 Fix issue with soil-based farming.
2.1.1 beta3
- Update for craftbukkit 1.5.1, support for new items, new minecarts, and new rails
- fix item duplication bug
2.0 final
- Fix duplication of minecarts when spawning sometimes.
- Potato, Carrot, and Cocoa farming. (Bring your own Jungle Trees)
- Set farming XZ and Y range with config.yml and with signs. [farm range:X] and [farm rangey:X]
- Minecarts will keep moving unattended always if KeepChunksLoaded is true.
- RemoveDeadMinecarts will only remove minecarts that would be dropped on the ground, instead of dropped or returned to an owner.
- More fixes to movement and physics.
- [Spawn] only spawns when there's a rail.
- [Previous dir] is smarter and will not launch minecarts where there is no rail.
- Sensors can be activated with a left OR right click.
- Multiple actions on one sign should execute in the listed order.
- Minecarts no longer despawn on chunk unload or server restart. They will, however, be reset back to default MCM settings and lose any chest contents.
- Players riding in a minecart on server shutdown are remembered and placed back into the cart when they log back in. (if PreserveMinecartsOnLogout is true)
- Station destinations can now be set on any minecart with a [set station] sign. Previously only Players could have destinations. Now both can. If a Player with a destination set (via /st) enters a minecart with a destination already set, the minecart destination is used.
- Implemented [item rangeY:] sign command and server setting to allow minecarts to collect items above and below them.
- You can spawn storage or powered minecarts with [spawn:storage] or [spawn:power] (this is temporary until I have a better system)
- Fixed T-intersections not being detected as intersections.
- Fixed not being able to reverse direction at an intersection prompt
- Fixed not being able to reverse direction with a Station Rule
- Fixed gravity being applied too much flying at speeds over 100%
- Fixed minecarts not returning to chests when destroyed
- Fixed minecarts not dropping as items if not set to return to owner, and not set to remove dead minecarts.
- Fixed chest-spawn-direction signs being detected as [spawn] signs. You may notice your [Spawn DIR] signs near chests change to [Chest DIR]. This is the new syntax.
- Fixed chest-spawn-direction signs still using the 'old' directions.
- Fixed MaxPushSpeed setting not doing anything.
- Fixed :stop and [station stop] commands not stopping the minecart at high speed.
- Fixed minecarts dispensed from dispensers not having any speed.
- Got rid of the log file.
- Started working on Potato, Carrot, and Cocoa farms but got distracted and didn't finish.
- IMPORTANT: With this release Signs are only processed as minecarts move past them, ensuring they are only executed once. This means that signs placed past the ends of track may not be executed! If this totally destroys your rail system in a way that cannot be easily adjusted let me know and we can come up with a solution. (this does not apply to sign actions that 'look' for other sign actions nearby (i.e. eject/eject here)
- The item handling signs (collect item, deposit item, trash item, smelt, fuel, compress items) have been re-made as proper sign actions and therefore have the same permissions, debugging, and mappability to blocks as the rest of the sign actions.
- Fixed bug where carts lost speed going around corners.
- Re-implemented Item Collection range for storage carts. Default can be set in the config.yml and be adjusted in game with a [item range:X] sign action, also only collects parallel to the cart, not in front or behind.
- Tweaked cart/entity collisions and knockback.
- Bugfixes as reported by you wonderful, patient testers :)
- Lots of documentation updates as I discover new hidden things this plugin does.
- Likely still issues with 1.5.2
- Still not loading the old sensors database, I tried and haven't figured out how just yet.
- Chest-spawned minecarts cannot be specified with a sign. The chest will spawn whatever is inside it, preferring normal carts over others.
- Signs near corners may not be executed if the minecart never runs 'parallel' to it.