MineBackup - Automatically save and backup your server!
- Numerous backup actions: Save (default); Copy and/or Compress. The copy action creates a copy of files in backup folder while the compress action creates a zip of files in backup folder. You do not need to enable both for compress to work.
- Numerous upload actions: Dropbox; FTP. These actions will upload the latest compressed version, so you will need to be using compression.
- Maintenance action: Cleanup. With this action enabled, old backups will only be deleted as scheduled (otherwise they will be deleted after a copy/compress action).
- Each action has a configurable interval. You can even set a specific time that an action should trigger (only once per day). Every action supports either method.
- You can either enable actions globally (default for all worlds) or enable/disable actions for specific worlds. Specific worlds can even have different time intervals for each action!
- Global or per world configurable amount of backups to be kept on disc. So a world that is rarely used can be compressed every few hours and set to have less copies retained.
- Global or per world configurable broadcast of backup status.
- Setting to enable an immediate backup on server restart/reload with configurable delay. With this disabled (default), scheduled actions will occur at their proper time, but if the server was stopped during that time, then it will run as soon as possible.
- Backup actions are staggered to try to prevent low-powered servers from getting overloaded. Instead of checking every world at one time and in order, a queue is checked once a minute to see if it needs to do a backup action.
- If no one has used the world since the last backup ("not dirty") then its actions are skipped.
- Able to backup plugins/other directories with a list of excluded paths (like dynmap's /tiles) and file types.
- Customizable messages. Everything sent to players is able to be translated or changed. Including broadcast groups.
- Configuration migration with a backup copy of the original configuration.
Does your server have a single-core processor or a low amount of memory (512mb and several plugins)?
Do NOT enable compression! Only enable copy.
Does your server operate over a typical home internet connection?
Do NOT enable dropbox or ftp!
Failure to understand this will almost certainly result in all of your players being disconnected.
[v0.5+] Due to changes to the old backup deletion code, the plugin will not automatically delete any v0.4 backups. You will need to manually delete them at an appropriate time.
[v5.9.2+] If you still have the old map format (world height 128) files in your world folders, it's going to yell at you on server startup. Once you have a backup of the world, delete level.dat_mcr and the *.mcr files in the region folder. They aren't needed after the conversion and double the size/time of the backup.
[v5.9.3+] Enable 'debug' in config.yml for a detailed list of the settings that are being used as each world/plugins is loaded. (Exact times are seconds from midnight, but stored as a negative number.)
Setup & Usage
Only save is enabled by default. You need to enable either 'copy' or 'compress'.
MineBackup.jar (for auto-updaters)
Default Config (created first start)
Default Strings (created first start)
Dropbox Linker (Google App Engine)
ThisIsAreku for the original MineBackup. This plugin has now been completely re-imagined and rewritten. The only thing untouched and unchanged is the name itself.
Okey. I stop the server totally, edit strings.yml, then after server starts all strings roll back to default. Bug? R: MineBackup v5.9.4 for CB 1.3.1-R1.0 Aug 07, 2012 FreeBSD
@ltguide I cant get the dropbox option to work I read the config and used the Dropbox Linker and It wont upload.
After running with Minebackup for a full 24 hours. Some chunks are never "loading". Users will /home to the area and they just wont pop up. It requires a server restart for the chunks to actual load. This issue is not here without minebackup installed.
Is there a fix?
Using latest CB and 5.9.4 Minebackup
Edit: oops my fault
@CommanderGizmo YES!
@ltguide I have this SAME exact issue, I have a great hard drive, 16gb DDR3, i7 Processor, ETC... It takes my computer about 9min to back up the entire server worlds and plugins..using minebackup...however me copying and pasting all the same files and folders only took 63seconds through windows explorer....
During the backup process my computer starts to lag down and freeze (which is SHOULDN'T ever do this and never does....) , l also receive this during the process which spams every min. "[MineBackup] - TaskProcess already working - it's already been a minute?!"
Please look into this problem, My computer is perfectly capable of backing up the whole server in little time. It just seems something is holding it back.
(The server really starts to choke on the backup of the main world, which is only 600mb.. I've tried compressing, not compressing, etc etc.. Still seems to choke no matter what the config is set to...)
Can you make it so it would upload to dropbox and not save on the storage?
I can not get the ftp working we keep getting this:
05:35:19 PM CONSOLE: [WARNING] [MineBackup] % java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect
We have all our ftp information setup according to the config file. The FTP server we are testing with is on the same machine so we are not sure what the issue is.
I am running into this error pretty often:
2012-10-02 22:26:37 [WARNING] | unable to copy file: ./Creative/region/r.1.-1.mca
and the server isn't responding for about 1 or 2 minutes but then it's fine again. Problem is that everyone got dropped and is wondering about it and I'm losing my users because of that. Can you tell me where that comes from? Because I do have the permission to read/write/execute the file itself, but I'm guessing that it's not able to save it because there's a player on that "region". Maybe it's something else, so please tell me what it actually is and tell me what could be a fix :)
Oh, another thing, You should add Google Drive compatibility. For me, Dropbox will fill in just 1 backup (I have a big server) and upgrading too 100GB costs $9.99! But with Google Drive, It's only $4.99 for 100GB.
Ah, where are the files stored???
I'm running a tekkit server, and I can not find the files!!!!
Please fix this
You should add speed limits for uploads ;)
You need a faster drive
hm, whenever it compress my world (about 6 gb world to about 4.5 gb) server "freezes" with message: "main thread didn't response since 10 seconds because of plugin NoLagg" and "[MineBackup] - TaskProcess already working - it's already been a minute?!" "spamming" until it's finished.
It says problem is noLagg (.at com.bergerkiller.bukkit.nolagg.saving.AutoSaveChanger$1.run(AutoSaveChanger.java:68/31/) and some IO stuff),
but i am posting this here too, because this always occurs while minebackup is compressing the world.
I will try out now to only copy world and not to compress.. maybe it's because compressing of a big world is taking so long..
Why doesn't dropbox work on home servers?
WorldEdit lets you restore a selection if you set up MineBackup properly so WorldEdit can read the file structure! :)
It would be really great if this plugin allowed you to do a restore of the server right from the console or in-game!
Wasn't there an option to only backup when players are online? What happened to that?
Thanks for making this actually working backup plugin!
Hey, quick question: I like to have my backup files compressed into zips. However, the game takes quite some time to compress the backups. My server is running on an i7-790 and only uses 10% of one core and barely scratches the memory. What is causing this long zip time? Is there a way to tell the plugin to go full bore on the compression threads? Right now a complete backup is taking more than 3 minutes while 7zip can compress the same files at max in a few seconds.
Also, is there a simple way to have the plugin backup everything in one zip each time? That way I can just dump the entire backup at once if the server goes funky.
For about 10-15 seconds after every save that runs the server lags, nothing can be interacted with and chat doesn't respond. Any idea why this happens?