MineBackup - Automatically save and backup your server!
- Numerous backup actions: Save (default); Copy and/or Compress. The copy action creates a copy of files in backup folder while the compress action creates a zip of files in backup folder. You do not need to enable both for compress to work.
- Numerous upload actions: Dropbox; FTP. These actions will upload the latest compressed version, so you will need to be using compression.
- Maintenance action: Cleanup. With this action enabled, old backups will only be deleted as scheduled (otherwise they will be deleted after a copy/compress action).
- Each action has a configurable interval. You can even set a specific time that an action should trigger (only once per day). Every action supports either method.
- You can either enable actions globally (default for all worlds) or enable/disable actions for specific worlds. Specific worlds can even have different time intervals for each action!
- Global or per world configurable amount of backups to be kept on disc. So a world that is rarely used can be compressed every few hours and set to have less copies retained.
- Global or per world configurable broadcast of backup status.
- Setting to enable an immediate backup on server restart/reload with configurable delay. With this disabled (default), scheduled actions will occur at their proper time, but if the server was stopped during that time, then it will run as soon as possible.
- Backup actions are staggered to try to prevent low-powered servers from getting overloaded. Instead of checking every world at one time and in order, a queue is checked once a minute to see if it needs to do a backup action.
- If no one has used the world since the last backup ("not dirty") then its actions are skipped.
- Able to backup plugins/other directories with a list of excluded paths (like dynmap's /tiles) and file types.
- Customizable messages. Everything sent to players is able to be translated or changed. Including broadcast groups.
- Configuration migration with a backup copy of the original configuration.
Does your server have a single-core processor or a low amount of memory (512mb and several plugins)?
Do NOT enable compression! Only enable copy.
Does your server operate over a typical home internet connection?
Do NOT enable dropbox or ftp!
Failure to understand this will almost certainly result in all of your players being disconnected.
[v0.5+] Due to changes to the old backup deletion code, the plugin will not automatically delete any v0.4 backups. You will need to manually delete them at an appropriate time.
[v5.9.2+] If you still have the old map format (world height 128) files in your world folders, it's going to yell at you on server startup. Once you have a backup of the world, delete level.dat_mcr and the *.mcr files in the region folder. They aren't needed after the conversion and double the size/time of the backup.
[v5.9.3+] Enable 'debug' in config.yml for a detailed list of the settings that are being used as each world/plugins is loaded. (Exact times are seconds from midnight, but stored as a negative number.)
Setup & Usage
Only save is enabled by default. You need to enable either 'copy' or 'compress'.
MineBackup.jar (for auto-updaters)
Default Config (created first start)
Default Strings (created first start)
Dropbox Linker (Google App Engine)
ThisIsAreku for the original MineBackup. This plugin has now been completely re-imagined and rewritten. The only thing untouched and unchanged is the name itself.
hey i keep getting alot of console spam
is there a way to make this stop?
His last login was January 6. That does not sound good :( I have *really* enjoyed having this backup my very large server and collection of plugins.
<b>Update</b> I forgot that I was actually running a duplicate copy of my production server on a test computer. I completely forgot to rewrite the MineBackup config file to point to a new location for the backups. As soon as I did that it ran fine. The zip files look good, but I will take a close look at it tomorrow. For the record I have 55 worlds link together with Multiverse (using Stargates and TelePads) plus 3 worlds that are the interiors for the Doctor Who Tardis plugin :) I also have a number of world generators attached to 5 of the worlds plus the TardisChuckGenerator.
For the record, my test server is running: 08:47 PM [INFO] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Bukkit-1.5.1-R0.1-21-g49b0699-b2754jnks (MC: 1.5.1) (Implementing API version 1.5.1-R0.2)
is the project dead?
not working with 1.5.2. the plugin does no backups.
Hi how can i disable plugin backup?
Has anyone got a pure FTP upload config file?
It goes 2minutes over the schedule then goes to: waiting 23h 58m without actually uploading the map to the FTP...
Love it, I am recommending my friends to MineBackup. This plugin is easy to configure and it works!
I tested using my forked version (see comment below). Works fine.
this still working on 1.5.1 ok?
Why are my backups backing locally into the world files? They are supposed to go only in the FTP server i specified.
Config: http://pastebin.com/VnMpgNJA
I've been using MineBackup for some time now, 10-12 months and have loved it. Unfortunately after switching to FTB Direwolf20 pack and using MCPC+, all latest 1.4.7 builds, MineBackup interferes with chunk loading. I've tested this twice to be sure I had the right plugin culprit. I know most bukkit plugins do not support mods... etc etc but I figured this should be known.
No errors are encountered.
Using { FTB Direwolf20 5.2.0 server with MCPC+ build f534-247 and MineBackup 5.9.4 }
this is the best backupplugin. please keep it up man!
automatically dropbox-upload is nice - normal minecraft/ bukkit can´t do it.
please update it to 1.47 thx!
If anyone is good with coding, can you try and put this inhttps://www.dropbox.com/developers/core/api#chunked-upload . THis will allow use to use drop brox for files larger than 150mb.
Tuto comment marche MInebackup :
Can you please explain to me how you managed to get the dropbox api working within bukkit. I can do it in an external java application but not from bukkit. HOW did you do this?? Thank you.
I made the enhancements in a fork to the Minebackup Repo. Feel free to copy the code: https://github.com/zody0210/CraftBukkit-MineBackup
Worldedit snapshot needs the world name prepended in the zip but not when not copying, see http://wiki.sk89q.com/wiki/WorldEdit/Snapshots. This means the 'prepend-world' config item has to be handled differently between copying and compressing.
Any chance to get this implemented?
can someone please explain and show an example config f ftp uploading
Is there a way to upload faster with the ftp server? It's not limited to 20Mbps.