
Config (since v0.3.0)

  prefix: '&9[Dragon Slayer]&r ' #prefix the Dragon Slayer gets
  enabled: true #Enable the prefix: true/false
  name: '&5Smaug&r'
  damage: 10.0
  health: 200
  exp: 12000
  reward: 2500.0 #requires vault, gives the player a certain amount of money
  eggchance: 0.3 #make sure to use numbers from 0 to 1 (0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, ... ,0.9 , 1)
  createportal: false #should the dragon create a portal (once it has created one this will turn to false)
  blockgrief: false #is the dragon allowed to destroy non end blocks
  slain: false #automatically switches between true and false, set this to true if the dragon has been killed on your server already
  respawndelay: 360 #in minutes, how long it should take for the dragon to respawn once it gets killed
  slayer: mickverm #saves the UUID of the Dragon Slayer
  respawn: '$dragon &4has risen from its ashes!'
  onkill: '&6$slayer &fkilled &4$dragon &rand became the new &9Dragon Slayer!'
  onrekill: '&9Dragon Slayer &6$slayer &fkilled &4$dragon &ronce again!'
  slayer: '&6$slayer &fis the one and only &9Dragon Slayer!'
  noslayer: 'There currently is no hero who can call himself the true &9Dragon Slayer!'
  reward: 'You received &6$reward coins &rfor killing &4$dragon'
  world: 'world_the_end'
  x: 0
  y: 96
  z: 0


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