MinigamesLib: Open SkyWars
MinigamesLib: Open SkyWars
Open SkyWars recoded with MGLib. Usually skywars is fought on islands where you start with some gear in a chest and build up your base or just get some weapons and attack others.
<color red>> MGSkyWars v1.5.1 works with MinigamesLib 1.12, please update if you use the new MinigamesLib version.<</color>>
You need to install MinigamesLib for the plugin to work
Also, you'll need Vault for economy rewards to work.
- /sw setmainlobby set the main lobby where all join signs will be
- /sw setlobby [arena] set the waiting lobby
- /sw setspawn [arena] will give you a dragon egg which you can rightclick multiple times to set multiple spawns
- /sw setbounds [arena] low sets the lower left corner of the map
- /sw setbounds [arena] high sets the higher right corner of the map (so that you got a cuboid)
- /sw savearena [arena]
You can now set a join sign (optionally). Lines:
- SkyWars
- [arena]
Here's a small help image I drew some time really quick for you to understand how boundaries should be set up:
Command | Description | Permission |
/sw | Shows all possible commands | |
/sw setspawn <arena> | Sets the spawn point. | mgskywars.setup |
/sw setlobby <arena> | Sets the lobby point. | mgskywars.setup |
/sw setmainlobby | Sets the main lobby point. | mgskywars.setup |
/sw setbounds <arena> [low/high] | Sets the low/high boundaries of the map. | mgskywars.setup |
/sw savearena <arena> | Saves the arena. | mgskywars.setup |
/sw setmaxplayers <arena> <count> | Sets the max players allowed to join to given count. | mgskywars.setup |
/sw setminplayers <arena> <count> | Sets the min players needed to start to given count. | mgskywars.setup |
/sw setarenavip <arena> <true/false> | Sets whether arena needs permission to join. | mgskywars.setup |
/sw removearena <arena> | Deletes an arena from config. | mgskywars.setup |
/sw removespawn <arena> <count> | Deletes a spawn from config. | mgskywars.setup |
/sw join <arena> | Joins the arena. | |
/sw leave | Leaves the arena. | |
/sw start <arena> | Force-starts the arena. | mgskywars.start |
/sw stop <arena> | Force-stops the arena. | mgskywars.stop |
/sw list | Lists all arenas. | |
/sw reload | Reloads the config. |
There are a few config files (config.yml, classes.yml, arenas.yml, messages.yml, stats.yml) which are mostly self explanatory. Be aware that guns.yml is not used in this minigame!
If you use the chests.yml feature, be aware that chests are only getting generated when you join the game and open one, not after you save the arena.
config: default_max_players: 4 # default amount of maximum players that are allowed to join an arena default_min_players: 2 # default amount of minimum players that can join an arena lobby_countdown: 30 # amount of time in seconds to countdown in lobby ingame_countdown: 10 # amount of time in seconds to countdown ingame before the final start rewards: economy: true economy_reward: 10 # You'll need Vault for economy to work item_reward: false item_reward_ids: 264*1;11*1 # 264 being the id, you can specify an amount (the '*1') and enchantments (e.g. 264#DAMAGE_ALL:2*64 would be sharpness 2 on a stack of diamonds) command_reward: false command: pex user <player> add SKILLZ.* global_arenas_size: 30 # not used in this minigame
You can also specify data on an item reward. If you would want 32 enchanted red wool blocks, you'd adjust the config to: 35:14#DAMAGE_ALL:1*32, where :14 is the data for red, 35 the id for wool, and the rest as explained above.
The chests.yml feature is optional, normally you can just fill the chests with stuff before saving. If you want them to be loaded dynamically in the game when someone opens a chest though, you can also use the chests.yml. Just set enabled: false to true and edit the chests. Be sure that the percentages add up to 100.
Be aware that chests are only getting generated when you join the game and open one, not after you save the arena.
Default chests.yml: (Here's how you use the item markup:
config: enabled: false chests: chest1: items: 5*64;5*64;5*64;5*64;262*64;278*1 percentage: 5 chest2: items: 5*64;262*64;267*1 percentage: 20 chest3: items: 5*64;262*64 percentage: 25 chest4: items: 5*64 percentage: 50
There are 2 default classes with some startup gear (including bows and armor). You can adjust these in classes.yml.
[Portuguese] Video tutorial by GamesTdai:
[English] Video tutorial by Numero Uno:
[Portuguese] G4mem4x:
[Spanish] FeerBukkit:
[Spanish] Another tutorial:
Additional Information
Have fun :)
Submit them here: and NOT in the comments!
They should be able to join, no permission nodes are needed for non-ops. A screenshot would definitely help.
Why can't nonops join?
help non op can't join and there is no permissions for join skywars help pls i made so much and non op players can't play they are all sad
when people are playing sw on my server, they can use any kit, even the ones that need money to buy! PLZ TELL ME HOW TO FIX!!!!
In reply to BradyCyphers:
requires_permission: false put it like this instead of true
I Just maked an simple skywars arena with custom premade chests (Not using the chest.yml) for my own, so everyone will get the same items and it will be fair :D
Except the fact that in the mid chests are kinda... op
I have a problem! Whenever I play, the players get flung to each other! Idk how to fix it!! please help!
Hi, the chests auto fill with wooden planks. Help.
Can anyone make a premade chest.yml for me? TNX!
E-mail: [email protected]
How do I enable signs to work
Hi, I have a problem. I can't translate the Plugin. When I click on save and go back to my Plugin list. The Message file is reseting. Thank you Juli (Austria)
Custom scoreboard? As it used?
I like your plugins, nice stuff! Can you add portal/pressure plate support to fill up maps? For example, you step on a plate in x world and you are automatically put into a game, and after that map fills, the plates/portals will fill up the next map. Hope this makes sense, again awesome plugins! Thanks!
please add random spawn and chenger color glass thx
The Maps donĀ“t reset
Why cant people without op join, please help
Hey can any1 make me a chest.yml i dont really understand it pls thax for ur help
email me at [email protected]
everyone can use every kit :( even if i use -permission, it still doesnt take away the kit
also is it possible to kill all mobs near by when the game ends? im using a lucky block plugin which uses sponge, and giving sponge in a kit, however the luckyblock can spawn mobs, which are then kept untill killed by someone in a new game, or despawned
What's wrong?
please help, my kit permissions dont work and no ones answering in the bug forums!