Warning: This project is experimental. Its files will not synchronize across the CurseForge network.
Mess of Commands
- This plugin is broken!
- This plugin will not work!
- Please wait until a new build comes out!
- This is a plugin that contains a bunch of basic commands and they are all combined into one plugin, this one!
- This plugin is in Alpha testing.
- Please contact PoseidonTechnologies with any errors or bugs.
- I wanted to get this plugin out to the community early to see what you guys think! I hope you like it!
- We are kicking out of ALPHA and moving into BETA
- 1.7.2 Bukkit support! AWWW YEAH!
- Version: 1.3_3
- Make sure you ALWAYS download the latest version!
- /ping
- /heal [player]
- /feed [player]
- /fakejoin <text>
- /fakeleave <text>
- /fakeop <player>
- /fakedeop <player>
- /spawn
- /setspawn
- /kit
- /ci
- /freeze <player>
- /tp <player>
- /kick <player>
- /easteregg
- /disable
- /stop
- /starve
- /bleedout
- /kill
- /fly
- /nopickup
- /suicide
- /setspawner
- /burn
- MOC.ping
- MOC.fakeop
- MOC.heal
- MOC.feed
- MOC.fakejoin
- MOC.spawn
- MOC.setspawn
- MOC.tp
- MOC.kit
- MOC.ci
- MOC.freeze
- MOC.suicide
- MOC.easteregg
- MOC.starve
- MOC.burn
- MOC.setspawner
- MOC.disable
- MOC.stop
- MOC.fakeleave
- MOC.fakedeop
- MOC.fakedeop
- MOC.bleedout
- MOC.kill
- MOC.fly
- MOC.nopickup
- MOC.kick
- Make sure you have Bukkit 1.6.4 R2.0.
- Stop the server.
- Download and place MOC.jar into your plugins folder.
- Download and place Vault.jar into your plugins folder.
- Start the server.
Upcoming features
- Ban
- BanIP
- Unban
- UnbanIP
- Broadcast
- Backup
- Op
- Deop
- Setwalkspeed
- Config file
- Aliases
- Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!
Official Server
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Sorry for not making it clear but /ci clears the player's inventory. Thanks for pointing that out!
what does /ci do? im thinking of downloading the plugin when it's released but i need to know what it does :P