
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


Have you ever played a game like Microsoft Train Simulator, Trainz or Railworks? You liked it and want to drive trains in Minecraft like in those simulators? Then this is for you.

Finally, after almost two years, a new update is released!


Quick Start Guide

Command Description Permission - MCTS.*
/mcts create <coal/electric> Create a train (steam or electric) MCTS.control
/mcts control Control a train MCTS.control
/mcts addfuel Add fuel to a train MCTS.control
/mcts fuel See a train's fuel level MCTS.control
/substation create <name> <voltage> Create a substation for electric trains MCTS.substation
/substation list Lists all existing substations MCTS.substation
/substation remove <name> Remove an existing substation MCTS.substation
/df Direction forward MCTS.direction
/dn Direction neutral MCTS.direction
/db Direction backward MCTS.direction
/p4 /p3 /p2 /p1 Accelerate MCTS.accelerate
/neutral Set the accelerator neutral MCTS.accelerate
/b1 /b2 /b3 /b4 Brake MCTS.accelerate


  1. Install BKCommonLib and TrainCarts
  2. Install MinecraftTrainSimulator
  3. Have fun

Special Features

This plugin includes an update checker, which automatically checks whether an update is available every time you restart/reload your server. This feature is enabled by default and can be disabled by changing updates.check to false in the config.yml. (update/version informations come from curse.com which provides a secure API for this)

This plugin also includes an auto-update function, which automatically downloads every update available. This feature is disabled by default and can be enabled by changing updates.download to true in the config.yml. Of course, this feature only works if updates.check is enabled as well. (updates are downloaded directly from bukkit.org so you are safe from malicious content)

This plugin integrates bStats Metrics to collect and evaluate some statistics. Visit the Plugin Metrics page to find more information about what stats are collected from your server, where they are sent to and how you can disable this if you don't want it.




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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 20, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Aug 20, 2017
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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