
MCTowns is a powerful way to manage towns.

  • Create Towns, assign them Territories, and let mayors divide them up into Plots on their own.
  • WorldEdit backend means you can use WorldEdit CUI and all of your favorite WorldEdit commands to create regions of any size and shape
  • WorldGuard backend means lightning-fast performance and rock-solid stability
  • Mayors can restrict town membership to only people they invite, or open it up to anyone who can afford a plot
  • Saves you time and reduces the workload on your moderators!
  • Mayors can manage regions within Territories that have been assigned to them
  • No need to ask a mod every time someone wants to join your town, or you need a new plot created.

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  • Send me a PM on BukkitDev. I will always respond to these.
  • Post a comment here. I'll probably respond to this.
  • Email [email protected]. I will always respond to these.

Basic Commands

  • /mct -used for adding and deleting towns, querying basic info, etc
  • /town -used to manage towns, including inviting players and adding territories
  • /territory -used to manage territories, including adding plots
  • /plot -used to manage plots, including adding players to plots

Metrics Collection

MCTowns tracks some stats about who uses it. They're primarily for me to feel good about myself when I see people are actually using what I make, or (in the case of bug reports) are so that I can improve the plugin so that I can continue to feel good about myself when I see people are using the plugin.

MCTowns uses MCStats. To learn what is collected and how to opt-out of collection, see the following official MCStats page:

Note that as of v2.1.0, most bugs will be automatically reported for you. See the page on Automatic Bug Reporting for more information.

Donate to help the developer!Visit the plugin's website!

Donate with Bitcoins: 1PYEc82xEK1A3jCsYTAZ7mnS9t34Et9bYh

Everything on these pages and associated wikis is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License

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