Update: The Hadron Update is currently well underway! You can track its progress by clicking here. As always, head over to our Discord and join the conversation if you need any help, or have any feature requests or bug reports that you'd like to see addressed in our next big update!
What is Prison?
Prison is a Minecraft plugin that adds all the features necessary for prison servers. Plugins for prison servers exist already, but many of them are poorly maintained, and the solid ones are paid resources. Prison eliminates the paywall and the updating hassle, and puts a one-stop solution in their place.
What can it do?
Prison has two main components - called modules - that are built-in: mines and ranks.
- Create mines for players to collect materials.
- Have mines automatically reset after a certain amount of time.
- Interactively edit the composition of your mines.
- Teleport your players to safety during a mine reset, so they don't suffocate.
- Create ranks for users to buy.
- Use multiple rank ladders. For example, you could have a prestige ladder, or a donor ladder, etc.
- Run commands when users rank up, to give them access to new permissions or set off fireworks in their place.
- Show rank tags in chat with the help of a chat formatting plugin, such as EssentialsX-Chat.
If you have suggestions for features that you'd like to see, you should create a feature request at our issue tracker and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Why should I switch to Prison?
If hassle-free updates and zero payments is not enough for you to consider switching to Prison, it doesn't stop there.
- Prison is modular. If you don't want to use a certain feature on your server, you can disable it in just a few keystrokes.
- Prison is completely, 100% open source. This means that your developers can make changes to the plugin to customize your server's experience, if you so desire.
- Prison is and always will be free. While we do ask for donations, all of our code, resources, and binaries are provided free of charge to the Minecraft community.
- New releases are heavily bug-tested. We test every single aspect of every new release of Prison before releasing it to the community. If a release doesn't pass our rigorous update checklist, it is iterated upon until it does. What does this mean for you? Solid updates with minimal bugs for your server.
- Prison is always expanding. We are always looking for ways to expand Prison with features that make your server run more smoothly. Additionally, we are always looking for contributions from the community, be it code contributions, feature requests, bug reports, translations, or documentation.
For a comprehensive set of guides on getting started with Prison, check out our wiki: https://faizaan.xyz/prison
To report an issue or suggest a feature, use our issue tracker: https://github.com/PrisonTeam/Prison/issues/. Don't use the review section to ask for help.
If you want to get the latest updates on the project, get subscribed to/bookmark/follow these pages!
Website: https://faizaan.xyz/prison/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MC__Prison/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGKRUDfa3wjljE5BE0gZc_w
Telemetry: This plugin reports statistics to bStats. To opt-out, Change "send-metrics" in config.yml to "false". View the stats here.
HOw can I change the "Hectic Prison" On the scoreboards
Prison has no built in scoreboard plugins, I'm afraid we can't help you. Have the author of your scoreboard plugin assist you...
Prison File Editor
We've developed a Prison File Editor for Windows and recommend it if you wish to edit the files generated by prison. It's 100% free and open-source licenced under the GPLv3 licence, just like Prison. You can download the installer by following this link.
While the developers of Prison have been alerted of the creation of this tool, the tool is NOT necessarily endorsed by them. The Prison Team did not develop this tool. Use at your own risk.There's no malware, you can see the original source here.We hope you find this useful!
DEMO VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4xJ18DJDgY
Using any command related to ranks (/pranks, /rankup, etc.) yields the message "Ranks are disabled." I checked the config and the ranks option is set to true. I'm using version 2.2.3, should I downgrade or is this planned to be fixed?
Im trying to have Ranks on my server, and when i type in the Ranks command, it said ranks are disabled. How do i enable them??? Please Help!!!
The ranks aren't working. At first I tried to remove a rank I didn't want. Then, I deleted it from console. Reloaded the plugin Did /ranks It said "An internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command
Console: [Server] ERROR null [Server] INFO org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'ranks' in plugin Prison v2.2.2 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:46) [craftbukkit_1.10.jar:git-Bukkit-fb568fd] [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCommandMap.java:140) [craftbukkit_1.10.jar:git-Bukkit-fb568fd] [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_10_R1.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(CraftServer.java:625) [craftbukkit_1.10.jar:git-Bukkit-fb568fd] [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_10_R1.PlayerConnection.handleCommand(PlayerConnection.java:1296) [craftbukkit_1.10.jar:git-Bukkit-fb568fd] [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_10_R1.PlayerConnection.a(PlayerConnection.java:1156) [craftbukkit_1.10.jar:git-Bukkit-fb568fd] [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_10_R1.PacketPlayInChat.a(SourceFile:37) [craftbukkit_1.10.jar:git-Bukkit-fb568fd]
Hi there. Im using your plugin Prison 2 and I have heard that tou are making Prison 3. So here are some questions I have in mind.
1. Could we convert from Prison 2 to Prison 3 without having to do everything over again?
2. I use PEX, so as I have heard you are making a ranks system for Prison 3 so that you do not need permission plugins. Could you make a converter so that it converts all the ranks in PEX to the Prison 3 ranks? And also allow us to select which ranks to convert.
3. What are PrisonGuards?
Thank you.
Im having a issue with rankups.. When I make my ranks they say they added. But when I do /rankup it just ranks me up to A not B C or D..
I was wondering If in the new update it would be available to setspawn and mine ranks again?
I cannot seem to make it work. Is it just a problem that was not reworked for new version or is there anything I can do to make it work?
Can you please make an issue ticket here with more information? Thanks in advance :)
This is a known and urgent issue that we are looking into now.
Try the /pranks set command. Sorry that they're encrypted, I'm working on a converter to make them into JSON files so they're editable.
Why did you encrypt the rank files ?!?!?!? I need to change the order cause i made a mistake but nope, you encrypt all your files
Okay, so, I spent a LONG time setting up the mines, (Because worldedit, and then region creating, stuff like that) and they worked for a while, but now, all of a sudden, I get the same error for every single one. Which says (Mine) was not reset because the world it was created in (WorldName) can not be found. Which I find very strange, since I haven't touched that world, in a long time, and I can stand on top of the mine inside the world lol. Also, just a suggestion, can you make it where the "Mines will reset in X minutes" and "Mines have been reset" configurable, and disable-able. They get pretty annoying after a while. And if you have some extra time on your hands, make it where each mine can have its own reset time. Thanks in advance, hope you can get this issue fixed. ;D
I want to ask you about a bug ?
I think that it is a bug!
When you rankup from rank [K] (This is a example) {This is first rank}
To rank [FREE] (This is a example too) {This is the last rank}
You can rankup again to rank [K], it means that it wont stop u when u want to rank [FREE].
Please fix it D:
hay i cant fined the permissions. or is the basic perms set to default
A wise man once said, "Good things come to whom wait." Aka, we've been working so much on Prison 3 I forgot about Prison 2 >.< Post an issue report here
Will it be fixed in the next update?
And also, you should make it so people can do something like /mines warp (mine name) if they have the correct permission.