Minecraft Collaboration Project

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


The minecraft collaboration project is set to be the total conversion mod of the future. MCP will come in the form of several plugins:

  • mcpBank - Easy to use simple economy system, with integration into mcpMarket, mcpSecure, mcpLinked and mcpExtra.
  • mcpMarket - Intuitive command based shop for buying and selling items to a global shop.
  • mcpChat - Implementing titles, chat colors, prefixes and suffixes. Connected directly to mcpBank to provide ranking by money.
  • mcpStats - Keep track of everything. Quickly find playtime, blocks destroyed and loads more information.
  • mcpLinked - Quick and easy transportation between two places. Only a few, very easy to learn, commands.
  • mcpSecure - Keep your builds and chest safe from griefers and other mischievous players.
  • mcpExtra - Everything else that couldn't be categorized will fit here. Access to admin, mod and user commands. e.g. '/tp player1 player2'
Why MCP?

Why not pick and mix from other server mods and custom build my own server? With MCP, everything you need will be together, communicating with each other as efficiently as possible. Each section will be highly customizable, from the starting balance and currency name of mcpBank, to the delay between teleportation requests with mcpLinked. We hope to bring together common plugins and create one quick to install, easy to use, customizable bundle.

Watch this space!

About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 19, 2011
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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