mcMMO 1.3.04
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UploadedMar 27, 2012
Size682.04 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.2.4-R1.0
Tested against CB 1.2.4-R0.1
Version 1.3.04
- + Added McMMOPlayerRepairEvent for API usage - fires after completion of a repair.
- + Added McMMOPlayerRepairCheckEvent for API usage - fires before repair process begins, can be cancelled.
- + Added ability to get skill level from McMMOPlayerExperience events
- + Added McMMOPartyTeleportEvent for API usage - fires before a successful teleportation would occur.
- + Added McMMOPartyChangeEvent for API usage - fires whenever a player joins or leaves a party
- = Fixed Shake ability dropping bonemeal instead of ink for squids.
- = Fixed Green Terra & Super Breaker awarding 4x drops at high levels.
- = Fixed summoned ocelots never changing skins.
- = Fixed bug with Disarm not working
- = Fixed some API functions not being visible
- = Fixed bug where /ptp worked on dead party members
- ! Changed MySQL to reload all player information on reconnection
- ! Changed event package structure - be sure to update these if you're using the API in your plugin