mcMMO 1.3.03
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UploadedMar 22, 2012
Size674.28 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.2.3-R0.2
Tested against CB 1.2.4-R0.1
Version 1.3.03
- + Added Ocelots to Taming XP tables
- + Added ability to summon Ocelots with Call of the Wild
- + Added offline user functionality to mmoedit
- + Added bookshelves to list of blocks that don't trigger abilities.
- + Added '' permission node to bypass Arcane Repair and keep your enchantments
- + Added config option to disable Herbalism's instant wheat replanting
- + Added LOTS of new permissions nodes. *CHECK PLUGIN.YML FOR UPDATES*
- + Added Italian locale file - thanks Luxius96!
- + Added ability to inspect Ocelots with Beast Lore
- + Added console functionality to mctop
- = Fixed Green Terra not awarding Triple Drops
- = Fixed ClassCastException from Taming preventDamage checks
- = Fixed issue with Blast Mining not seeing TNT for detonation due to snow
- = Fixed issue with block interaction returning NPEs
- = Fixed issue where every block broken had a mining check applied
- = Fixed issue where every block broken had a herbalism check applied
- = Fixed issue where blocks weren't being removed from the watchlist
- = Fixed exploit where you could use /ptp to teleport to anyone
- = Fixed bug where Green Terra didn't work on Stone Brick
- = Fixed bug where Tree Feller could be used without permissions
- = Fixed exploit where falling sand & gravel weren't tracked
- = Fixed exploit where Acrobatics could be leveled via Dodge on party members.
- = Fixed exploit where you could gain combat XP on animals summoned by Call of the Wild
- ! Changed mcMMO to save profiles only when the profile is about to be discarded rather than on player quit
- ! Changed MySQL to try to reconnect every 60 seconds rather than infinitely which caused server hangs
- ! Changed mcMMO to be better about saving player information on server shutdown
- ! Changed PTP to prevent teleporting if you've been hurt in the last 30 seconds (configurable)
- ! Changed Chimera Wing failure check to use the maxWorldHeight.
- ! Changed inspect failed message to say inspect rather than whois
- ! Changed Call of the Wild to activate on left-click rather than right-click
- ! Changed Blast Mining to track based on Entity ID vs. Location
- ! Changed mmoedit to save a profile when used (this will make mctop update)
- ! Changed a few Runnable tasks to have their own classes
- ! Changed parties so that a player will leave their existing party if they enter a world where they don't have party permissions.
- ! Changed Call of the Wild to summon animals already tamed.
- ! Changed mob spawner tracking to use new Metadata API
- ! Changed block watch list to use new Metadata API
- ! Changed around a few config options, including the ones for mySQL. *YOU NEED TO REDO YOUR CONFIG FILE*
- - Removed 'true/false' debug message from Inspect command
This version added LOTS of new permissions nodes. *CHECK PLUGIN.YML FOR UPDATES*
This version changed around a few config options, including the ones for mySQL. *YOU NEED TO REDO YOUR CONFIG FILE*