MC Jobs

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Welcome to MC Jobs

MC Jobs was created to pick up where jobs left off. These jobs earn you money for your server economy. There are 20 default jobs that are customizable along with the ability to create your own custom jobs.

MC Jobs

ANNOUNCEMENTS Updated 10/2019

Hello guys,
several years have passed since the last update here. But now i will be change it. Me , Bl4ckSkull666 ( old name Papaharni or Papi too ), work now on the plugin to update it to the newest version of minecraft.
What's currently done? I added 2 new job groups. reworked few job groups.Reworked the jobs. Moved Database from old cache system to read friendly yaml/mysql support. Added Multilanguage support. That mean you can translate language file in multiple language and let your user select the language. You set default language in configuration, but the user can change it to a available language for him self.

Hmmm okay, whats new too? You can, currently only manual in the job files add a region and message that the player displayed on enter this region. The message can be a string with | for new line. Or use spigot message, if you use a spigot server, In Spigotr message u can build buttons and much more. And new is the NPC message, the message is same like on region, but it can be different messages. It can be activate on click the npc. To work set a sign with [mcjobs] in line 1 and in line 3 the jobnname below till 7 blocks on the npc. Users can now click it to see the message. Other one is the free Signs. For Description please read THIS 

If you have a question, need help or will be report a error. please use the Discussion Thread ONLY . Thank you!


B,t,w, please use the new GitHub source --->

ANNOUNCEMENTS Updated 04/2015

So another year somehow has slipped by without being able to work on this project. So I have added PapaHarni to help keep the project going. Hopefully he can quickly get the codebase up to the latest Bukkit release. Welcome Papi.



I have also decided to release source on Github. If you want to fork or view the source feel free:

MC Jobs has been spotlighted by Curse gaming. Read the article here. Show your support for MC Jobs by commenting on the article.

What's New in 3.1

  • Cleaned up leveling system.
  • Added carpenter job.
  • Added a considerable number of nodes to the english.yml file.
  • Split the config.yml. Created a jobs.yml to hold the jobs.
  • Lots of bug fixes.
  • Danish language file - v3.1.2

What's New in 3.0

  • Added leveling. You can now level in jobs and your pay scale is affected accordingly.
  • Admin defined ranking system to leveling in the config.yml file.
  • Group based max jobs. Use your permission groups to define how many jobs a player can have.
  • Swedish language file.


There are no hard dependencies. MC Jobs can work out of the gate unchanged.

If you want to pay in money you need an economy bridge!

Register 1.6 or higher or Vault 1.2.13 or higher are needed.



You have developed great shops with a shop mod or you use citizens as NPC shopkeepers, you have a repair shop, or you have a block protection system that uses an economy. But that begs the question "How do you pay your players?" Well you could just give them money, but what fun is that? That's where MC Jobs comes in. It's a full fledged player job mod where you choose how much they get paid and for what activities and they can earn money by doing those tasks. It's fully customizable by server admins, but for those of you that just wish to plug and play it has 20 built in jobs that covers about 90% of the blocks and entities in the game. Remember:

If you need cash get a job!


  • Ability to join or leave jobs
  • Obtain higher levels in jobs to earn more.
  • Charge or pay players for doing actions on the server by default. You want TNT to cost to use. You can! It's in Taxes.
  • Earn XP through jobs by default.
  • Earn money through jobs using any of the economy plugins
  • Ability to edit, create or delete jobs in the config.yml file
  • Multi World support
  • WorldGuard region support
  • Utilizes craftbukkit's built in Materials List
  • Uses craftbukkit's built in Entity Type List
  • Uses custom Potion List
  • Uses custom Enchant List


/mcjobs = Allows all the user commands such as joining and leaving a job. /jobs = Alias of /mcjobs /mcjobsadmin = Allows the administrative commands. Reloads the addon or gives/takes a specific job from an online player or group if using Vault. Options are: reload, defaults, add player/group job, remove player/group job, list player/group. /jadm = Alias of /mcjobsadmin


Installing is simple. Copy mcjobs.jar into your worlds plugin folder and restart or reload your server. Players can then join up to three jobs (modifiable in config.yml). To join use /jobs join job_name . The default jobs are:

  • alchemist
  • armorer
  • baker
  • brewer
  • builder
  • carpenter
  • conjurer
  • digger
  • enchanter
  • farmer
  • fisherman
  • hunter
  • miner
  • soldier
  • theurgist
  • tinkerer
  • toolmaker
  • weaponsmith
  • woodsman
  • bulldozer - default job
  • taxes - default job

You can then leave a job with /jobs leave job_name . To learn more about each job type /jobs job_name . Feel free to check out the forums for more info!


    • description: Allows the player to use all user jobs commands.
    • default: false
    • children:
      • true
      • true
      • true
      • true
  • mcjobs.admin:
    • description: Allows the use of the /jadm command.
    • default: op
  • mcjobs.admin.leavedefault:
    • description: Allows a player to leave a default job.
    • default: op
  • mcjobs.admin.defaults:
    • description: Allows the use of /jadm defaults to restore config.yml.
    • default: op
    • description: Allows player to join jobs.
    • default: false
    • description: Allows player to leave a job. Should be used in conjunction with join.
    • default: false
    • description: Allows the player to use /mcjobs list.
    • default: false
    • description: Allows player to use /mcjobs job_name for info.
    • default: false
  • mcjobs.jobsavail.all:
    • description: Allows the player to join all jobs.
    • default: false
    • children:
      • mcjobs.jobsavail.digger: true
      • mcjobs.jobsavail.miner: true
      • mcjobs.jobsavail.builder: true
      • mcjobs.jobsavail.soldier: true
      • mcjobs.jobsavail.woodsman: true
      • mcjobs.jobsavail.tinkerer: true
      • mcjobs.jobsavail.farmer: true
      • mcjobs.jobsavail.toolmaker: true
      • mcjobs.jobsavail.weaponsmith: true
      • mcjobs.jobsavail.armorer: true
      • mcjobs.jobsavail.fisherman: true
      • mcjobs.jobsavail.baker: true
      • mcjobs.jobsavail.alchemist: true
      • mcjobs.jobsavail.enchanter: true
      • mcjobs.jobsavail.brewer: true
      • mcjobs.jobsavail.theurgist: true
      • mcjobs.jobsavail.conjurer: true
      • mcjobs.jobsavail.carpenter: true
    • description: Allows the player to earn money and xp in all worlds.
    • default: false
  • mcjobs.paycreative:
    • description: Pays a player even if they are in creative mode.
    • default: false


Please check out the Wiki




Download here the last version of McJobs.


Wall of Servers

You use McJobs on your server/network? PM me ( Bl4ckSkull666 ) with the URL of your server to add it here :-)


Donations ( old )

PayPal Donate Button

If you're feeling generous or want to give me a beer. Mmmm... Beer.

Total Money Donated to MC Jobs: $49.50 US

Approximate Downloads: 120,000

Dollars per Download: $0.0004125



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