
#By default the Hardcoded Variable Indicator is + keep this in mind
#By default the External Variable Indicator is - keep this in mind
#By default the Locale Variable Indicator is % keep this in mind

#Display Name, Player's Display Name Used By Other Plugins.

#Distance Type Variable 
#([Shout]/[L] as defined in locale.yml by "format.shout"/"format.local")           

#Player's Experience Bar.   

#Player's Experience.

#Player's GameMode.

#Player's Group. (If any)

#Player's Hunger Bar.

#Player's Hunger.

#Player's Health Bar.                   

#Player's Health.

#Player's Location.

#Player's Level.

#Message Being Sent. (If any)

#What "" renders to.

#Player's mChatSuiteName. (As set in info.yml)

#Player's Name.

#Player's Prefix. (If any)

#Shown Only if the Message was meant to be hidden 
#(Local Message, [Spy] as defined in locale.yml by "format.spy")

#Player's Suffix. (If any)

#Player's Total Gained Experience.

#Player's Time.

#Player's World.

#Player's Groupname. (As set in info.yml)

#Heroes Class. (If Heroes is installed).

#Heroes Experience. (If Heroes is installed).

#Heroes Experience Bar. (If Heroes is installed).

#Heroes Health Bar. (If Heroes is installed).

#Heroes Health. (If Heroes is installed).

#Heroes Level. (If Heroes is installed).

#Heroes Mastered. (If Heroes is installed).

#Heroes Mana. (If Heroes is installed).

#Heroes Mana Bar. (If Heroes is installed).

#Heroes Party. (If Heroes is installed).

#Heroes Second Class. (If Heroes is installed).

#Heroes Second Class Experience. (If Heroes is installed).
+HSecExp, +HSEx                  

#Heroes Second Class Experience Bar. (If Heroes is installed).
+HSecEBar, +HSEb                 

#Heroes Second Class Level. (If Heroes is installed).
+HSecLevel, +HSL                 

#Player's Worldname. (As set in info.yml)

#Custom Vars are rendered using +<VAR> where VAR is the variable name in 
#the info.yml or in your Permissions plugin.

#External Vars are rendered using -VAR where VAR is the variable used 
#by the external plugin

#Locale Vars are rendered using %VAR where VAR is the defining variable 
#being replaced in this locale option

Got a question? PM MiracleM4n