Current Colour Codes

READ ME: You can use <?> or &? In chat messages as long as you have the permission node mchat.coloredchat

<r> or `e (Does Nothing):

&0 or <black> or `k or §0

&1 or <navy> or `B or §1

&2 or <green> or `G or §2

&3 or <teal> or `A or §3

&4 or <red> or `R or §4

&5 or <purple> or `P or §5

&6 or <gold> or `Y or §6

&7 or <silver> or `s or §7

&8 or <gray> or `S or §8

&9 or <blue> or `b or §9

&a or <lime> or `g or §a

&b or <aqua> or `a or §b

&c or <rose> or `r or §c

&d or <pink> or `p or §d

&e or <yellow> or `y or §e

&f or <white> or `w or §f

Got a question? PM MiracleM4n