
Note: You cannot control where the channel name is put and you cannot make any channels with spaces or capital letters YET.

Settings descriptions:

Prefix + Suffix = What shows up before and after the channel name.

Type = The type of channel it is (global, world, chunk, private, password). Examples are below.

Distance = The distance the chat will appear (-1 or 0 will make it show up to everyone in the channel no matter where they are *except if they are in different worlds and the channel type is world*)

Default = If this is set to true anyone who joins the server, they will be put in this channel.

Channel Examples

# MChat Channels
    prefix: '['
    suffix: ']'
    type: global
    distance: 60
    default: false
    prefix: '['
    suffix: ']'
    type: private
    distance: 0
    default: false
    prefix: '['
    suffix: ']'
    type: world
    distance: 0
    default: false
    prefix: '['
    suffix: ']'
    type: chunk
    distance: 5
    default: false
    prefix: '['
    suffix: ']'
    type: password
    distance: 0
    password: hello
    passworded: true
    default: false

Got a question? PM MiracleM4n