mcMMO Combat Level
mcMMO Combat Level
Displays a combat level above users heads and in chat based on their mcMMO stats that affect combat:
- Unarmed
- Swords
- Axes
- Archery
- Acrobatics
- Taming
Default combat formula
(Unarmed + Swords + Axes + Archery + (.25 * Acrobatics) + (.25 * Taming)) / 45
Each stat's weight on the combat formula is capped at level 1000, so the maximum combat level possible is 100, and minimum is 0.
- You need the mcMMO plugin first.
- Download McCombatLevel.jar
- Place in your server's plugins folder
- Run your server to generate the config
- Edit the config to your liking
- Reload the plugin or restart the server
- enable_prefix : True by default, this is the prefix to the left of the name in chat. You can also choose [combatlevel] in your chat plugin
- enable_tag_level : True by default, this is the level that appears above the player's head
- tag_name : "Combat" by default, this is the text that appears after the level above the player's head
- tag_color : GREEN by default, this is the color of the tag_name
- prefix_bracket_color : GOLD by default, change the color of the brackets in the level prefix
- prefix_level_color : DARK_GREEN by default, change the color of the level in the prefix
This plugin requires no permissions to operate. If you wish to edit someone's combat level, you must change their mcMMO stats using /mmoedit to gain the required combat level.
/level or /combatlevel displays current player combat level.
Please use the Tickets for any issues, errors or suggestions.
You don't have to decompile the plugin. You can find there the source code with comments and building utilities.
McCombatLevel is open source and hosted on GitHub; feel free to fork, star, or contribute by making pull requests and opening issues.
Thanks alot for your help on this. Heres the pastebin.
I looked through the source code of HeroChat. It looks like HeroChat doesn't support the updating the chat format variable in the default way. Could you send me your HeroChat config? But I think I got it.
Maybe you have a conflicting plugin.
Yes i do. The config is as it comes default. I tried both tags. I also ensure the plugin is working. The mathematical equation works and /level displays the level based on it. I cant seem to figure out why the tag is not picking up the combatlevel.
Also, the tag which shows the combat level under the heads, only shows up when the server restarts for a second or two.
It should work with herochat too. I take a look at it. Do you have prefix in the config enabled?
@games647 Does this plugin not work with herochat? I cannot get the combat level to pull, event with either [combatlevel] {combatlevel}
Yes this one: "[combatlevel]"
Hey there!
I just switched chat plugins to Chat Tweaks, at the beginning of the players text it no longer has their Level. Is there a tag I can add to the setup in my chat config?
Ex: {townytagoverride}
Cheers! -Sullivan
Ok sweet I'll try that.
And yes i'll resend you another copy of my plugin list in the same conversation / 2 or 3 plugins changed.
Server version is 1.8 spigot.
You can edit the message by going into the configuration and changing the key "levelupmessage" to the message you want to.
Mhhm, this bug is weird. I tried to test it and couldn't reproduce it. Which server version do you use and is list of plugins you sent me over a pm still the same?
I think so... when I start up the server the tags are not above their head so I reload it with plugman and then it appears
How do I add the messages?
Do you mean after a server startup?
@Games647 Thank you man, very pleased :) With the link you provided, I don't understand what I have to do with the Java Formatting on GitHub..
I have to reload the plugin for the tag to appear above a players head... may be a bug
Levelup message is added: see here
Thank you @games647 very helpful :)
The project is still active. I replied you over a pm.
Hey I'm not sure if this plugin is still active but may you add it when you level up your combat level it gives you message saying you leveled up? and how do you even level your combat level up?
When I do /mcstats it's 132 overall but my level says 3 combat level.. And also the tag above their heads doesn't come up. Thanks for reading, hoping I get a answer :)
- Isaacey
Which mcMMO version do you have? Does that version have this skill?
skill - salvage - does not work in the formula? I'm confused.
Did you tried to add the chat variable to chat ex. It is: