1.4.0 release, adding date and external placeholder compatibilty
New command '/tm set elapsedDays [today|0 → ∞] [all|world]' : Sets current fullTime for the specified world (or all of them). Could be today or an integer between 0 and infinity (or almost). A year always lasts 365 days.
New placeholders for the '/now' command are available :
{elapsedDays} & {currentDay} > used to display a day count.
{dd}, {mm}, {yy} and {yyyy} > used to display a date.
{monthName} > used to display the name of the current month based on the lang file.
{yearWeek} > used to display the number of the week in the year (1 to 52).
Added soft dependencies for PlaceholderAPI and MVdWPlaceholderAPI.
From now on, asynchronous speeds smaller than 1.0 will be calculated with a tick/refreshRate fraction system.