Sample Configuration

This is the sample configuration that is created by Mc Kill Rewards on the first start:

# Sample Mc Kill Rewards rewards.yml file
# This file should explain you how McKillRewards works
# every rewards file has a rewards node at the top level
  # after that you can declare the rewards
  # any level indented by two spaces
  # always use spaces, if you use tabs the plugin will not be able to parse the file
  # in the second level you declare the different rewards
  # as this is a list any reward starts with a "-"
  # the rewards must at least a type, a number of kills and the data for the type all other tags are optional
  # I suggest you to set a name for the rewards as it will help you find errors in your config
  - name: First_Kill
    # you can set a message that is sent to the player when he gets the reward:
    # in this message you can use the "&"-codes (see for that)
    message: "&8Congratulations, you got your first kill!"
    type: items
    kills: 1
    # the item reward (type: items) has "items" as additional information
      # here you can set what items the player gets with the reward
      # as this is a list again, you also have to start any item with a "-":
      # item declarations must at least contain the item type
      # this type can be given as the item id or the item name
      - type: apple
        # additionally you can set the amount of items the player gets:
        amount: 10
      # the second item starts with a "-" again:
      - type: wool
        # you can additionally give the item a data value if you want a different variant of the item
        # in this case we want to give the player red wool:
        data: 14
        amount: 64
      - type: tnt
        # you can also change the name of the item to any value you want:
        # in this name you can also use "&" to format the name
        # it is always good to write texts between quotation marks to make sure they are parsed correctly
        name: "&5Heavy TNT"
        # to set the text under the item use the lore tag:
          # as the lore can have multiple lines it is a list again and needs "-" in front of each line:
          - "&5Heavy TNT &3explodes heavy."
          - "&3This is, because it is &5Heavy TNT."
      - type: diamond_sword
        # finally, you can also add enchantments to items:
          # and again, a list
          # here you have to use the ids, because the names do not work properly yet
          # for a list of the enchantments look here:
          - type: 16
            level: 3
        name: "&3The extreme Sword"
  # the second reward is created as a new list item:
  - name: Killing_Spree
    # another reward type is the potion reward
    # it gives a player a potion effect if he as the given killing spree
    type: potion
    kills: 3
    # you can also set a message that is sent to all players on the server with global-message:
    # in this message "{player}" will be replaced with the name of the player that got the spree
    global-message: "&3{player} &4is on a killing spree!"
    # the potion reward uses the effect tag to set the effect you get with the reward
      # here you can use either the effect id or name, but the name may not work as you expect
      type: speed
      # you will always have to set a duration for the effect to
      # the duration should be given in milliseconds
      duration: 10000
      # additionally you can also set a level for the effect:
      level: 3
  - name: Rampage
    # If you want the player to get a random reward you can use the random reward type:
    type: random
    kills: 4
    # now you have to define the sub rewards:
      # at this position you do not need to define a number of kills as it is ignored
      - name: diamond_sword
        type: items
          - type: diamond_sword
      - name: exp
        # another reward type is the exp reward:
        type: exp
        # it has two optional additional tags: exp and level
        # exp gives you exp
        exp: 10
        # levels gives you whole levels
        levels: 2
      - name: money
        # you can use the money reward to give the players money of your in-game currency
        # the money reward requires vault
        type: money
        # do not forget the dot or the reward will fail to load
        amount: 10.0