Command Tutorial

Command Tutorial

Here, I'll be pointing out some specifics of commands and how to use them. Available commands:

  • /unban <name or IP>
  • /ban <name or IP> <reason>
  • /ipban <name or IP> <reason>
  • /tempban <name or IP> <number> <minutes|hours|days|weeks|etc> <reason>
  • /tempipban <name or IP> <number> <minutes|hours|days|weeks|etc> <reason>
  • /mute <name>
  • /tempmute <name> <number> <minutes|hours|days|weeks|etc>
  • /kick <name or * for everyone>
  • /togglechat
  • /uuid <name>
  • /checkip <name>
  • /dupeip <name>
  • /checkban <name>
  • /warn <name> <reason>
  • /clearwarnings <name> <reason>
  • /lockdown [reason]
  • /forcespawn
  • /mbreload
  • /mbimport
  • /mbexport

Following this list in order, I will go into detail about each command.

IP Tracking ==

Firstly, I must make a note about how I track IP addresses of players. When a player connects:

  1. If the IP is banned, disconnect them
  2. If the player is banned, disconnect them
  3. If the DNSBL blocks the player immediately, disconnect them
  4. Record the players IP address in the database
  5. If the server is in lockdown, and the player has no maxbans.lockdown.bypass permission, disconnect them
  6. If the DNSBL discovers the player is using a proxy (and is configured to kick the player), disconnect them. This happens a few seconds after login.

As you can see, if Player1 is IP Banned, and Player2 is not IP Bannned, then if Player2 connects from Player1's IP address which is banned, Player2 will be told they're IP banned. However, if a mod does /unban Player2, it will fail because Player2's IP address was not listed as Player1's IP address, because they were disconnected before the update.

Fortunately, with maxbans.notify, it is easy to see why a player could not join when they are disconnected.

Silence ==

Secondly, any command that broadcasts a message may have it muted, such as:

/ban TestGuy -s

Will ban TestGuy, disconnect him, tell you it succeeded, notify the console, and notify anyone with maxbans.seesilent permissions. This means that normal players will not see anything, except 'TestGuy has left the game.'

Unban ===

The unban command allows you to unban a player. This command removes a ban from the players username, if it has one. It also checks the IP history, and if the players most recent IP is banned, it unbans the IP address as well. If you need to unban a particular IP address, but don't know anyone who is using it, you can do /unban <ip address>.


/unban TestGuy


Ban ===

The ban command allows you to ban a username or IP address, however is NOT the same as /ipban. Examples:

/ban TestGuy - This will ban the username TestGuy.

/ban - This will ban the IP address

IP Ban ===

The IP ban command allows you to ban the given user's IP or the given IP address, so it is different to /ban. Examples:

/ipban TestGuy - This will ban BOTH the username TestGuy and will also ban TestGuy's last IP address

/ipban - This will ban the IP address

It is not necessary to /ban and /ipban someone. /ipban does all the work that /ban does, plus bans the IP address.

Tempban ===

The tempban command allows you to ban the given user or their IP address for a specified time. This behaves the same as a ban, for a limited time:

/tempban TestGuy 1 week

Note: At time of writing (v1.2), /tempban does not accept raw IP addresses yet. E.g. /tempban 1 week will NOT work as intended.

Temp IP Ban ===

The tempipban command allows you to ban the given user and their IP address for a specified time. This beahves the same as ipban, for a limited time:

/tempipban TestGuy 1 week - Bans TestGuy and TestGuy's IP address for 1 week.
/tempipban 1 week - Bans the IP for 1 week.

Mute ===

The mute command allows you to mute the given user permanently. Any commands listed in the config as 'chat' commands will be blocked. Using /mute on a muted player will unmute them, just like /unmute.

Temp Mute ===

A timed equivilant of /mute. Example:

/tempmute TestGuy 1 hour

Kick ===

Kicks the given player. This command does not accept IP addresses. If you enter * instead of a players name, it will kick everyone (Including you, if used in-game). Usage:

/kick * - Kicks everyone

/kick TestGuy - Kicks testguy

CheckIP ===

Reports the most recent IP address of the given player.

DupeIP ===

Reports all players who have used the same most recent IP as the given player, or, if an IP is supplied, everyone who has used that IP most recently. Example:

/dupeip TestGuy - Will report everyone who has played on the server using TestGuy's IP address
/dupeip - Will report everyone who has played on the server using as the IP address

This command is very useful for finding people who have alternate accounts. Please note that these players could be siblings or friends too, and does not guarantee a player is bypassing anything. This command is easy to fool by using a proxy (A feature in many hacked clients) - But DNSBL is not so easily fooled!

Checkban ===

Reports the reason the given username or IP address is banned. Players with maxbans.checkban.self may type this command to check their own warnings/mutes. Examples:

/checkban - Explains why the IP is banned
/checkban TestGuy - Explains why TestGuy is banned, and if his IP is banned, why its banned.
/checkban - If a player has maxbans.checkban.self and not maxbans.checkban permission, this is the same as TestGuy doing /checkban TestGuy. If a player has permission to check anyones ban status, it will instead ask for a username.

Warn ===

Warns the given player. After a configurable number of warnings, a player is tempbanned. Usage:

/warn TestGuy MaxBans is awesome! - Warns testguy.

Clearwarnings ===

Clears all warnings from the given player's record.

Lockdown ===

Forces the server into lockdown mode. When a player tries to connect, if they haven't got permission for maxbans.lockdown.bypass, they will be disconnected. Existing online players will NOT be disconnected when using this command. To disable, type /lockdown again. Usage:

/lockdown - Toggles lockdown on/off. If on, will set the default reason to "Maintenance"

/lockdown off - Toggles lockdown off

/lockdown on - Toggles lockdown on

/lockdown on Server is experiencing issues - Toggles lockdown on, with the reason 'Server is experiencing issues'.

Forcespawn ===

Forces the given player to the spawn. Teleports them twice, so /back won't work for plugins like essentials. Usage:

/forcespawn TestGuy - forces testguy to their spawn point (Wherever that may be)

MBReload ===

Possibly buggy with SQLite (Possibly fixed in v1.2?). This reloads the plugin entirely, and is exactly the same as using some kind of plugin manager (I use PlugMan) to reload the plugin. Also reloads the config and database.

MBImport ===

Starts the importer. Currently, can only import vanilla minecraft bans. So /mbimport vanilla. This does not delete the existing vanilla bans, you should do that yourself.

MBExport ===

Starts the exporter. You can export bans to vanilla, or copy the database to MySQL (It will use the settings from the config) or to the SQLite file Server\Plugins\MaxBans\bans.db.


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