Multiple Ranks #26

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to _ForgeUser7957365
  • _ForgeUser6950486 created this issue Feb 24, 2013

    Currently when I use MasterPromote to gain ranks it will clear all of the previous ranks. Is it possible to have it just add the rank instead of clearing the others? I'm guessing the reason is so you don't have everyone being in guest-member-veteran-etc. groups, but my application is that I have a default ladder guest-member-mod and then classes that are on a separate ladder. I want to be able to give members purchasable classes and hopefully the ability to purchase multiple classes. When I tried, the ladders were separated and it still promoted to the different group and removed me from the default ladder. Maybe some way to only promote on the same ladder, or for purchasable ranks specifying what ladder the rank is on in the config and only modifying that ladder.

    great plugin btw, thanks :)

    p.s. I'm using PEX and MCMMO specifically

  • _ForgeUser6950486 added the tags New Enhancment Feb 24, 2013

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