PORTUGUÊS: Plugin de Kits, em beta, com comandos: /ban, /kick, /cc, /kits, /gm, /admin, com 28 kits, 3 são sem habilidades! Condfiguravel via arquivos, Sistema de warps em breve. Divirta-se com 28 kits, especiais , com sistemas de bans, kick, admin (fique invisivel e veja os inventarios dos players), gm (Mudar gamemode pelo comando gm), cc (Limpar chat).Sistema de scoreboard em breve.Plugin em beta, reporte bugs!Tire um pvp com seus amigos nesse plugin!Ele é um plugin de diversão para fazer pvp, teleportar e utilidades de donos e administradores!
ENGLISH: Kits plugin in beta, with commands: / ban, / kick / cc / kits / gm / admin, with 28 kits, 3 are without skills! Configurable via files, warps system soon. Have fun with 28 kits, special, with bans systems, kick, admin (stay invisible and see the inventories of players), gm (change gamemode by gm command), cc (Clear chat) .Sistema the scoreboard in breve.Plugin in beta, report bugs!Take pvp with your friends in this plugin!Have fun!It is a fun plugin to pvp, teleport and utilities for owners and managers!