Marriage Master V1.29
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UploadedApr 16, 2016
Size555.87 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.9
- 1.8
- 1.7.2
- Bugfixes for UUID converter
- Performance improvements for UUID converter
- Bugfix where the kiss logic was fired twice using sneak+rightclick
- V2 preparations:
- Add warnings for outdated dependencies
- Add warning for Java 1.7 (V2 will work with it, but I will drop support for it in the future and want to give everyone the chance to update or tell their host to update)
- Add config option to disable V2 update info
- Prevent auto updater from updating to V2 (V2 will not be compatible with everything that is compatible with V1. There also will be a new required dependency)
This is the last planed update for Marriage Master V1.X.