MarriagePlus is a userfriendly, configurable plugin that adds the ability for players to propose, marry and divorce each other. MarriagePlus was created for SammyT291. Eventually, this will become an API so people can do things related to if a player is married or not.
- Players can propose to another player (Removed players marring themselves in 1.4.1), and accept proposals to become married.
- Marry.canHaveTwo: Can have two wives
- Marry.canHaveFive: Can have up to five wives
- Marry.canHaveUnlimited can have unlimited wives
- Marry.canMarry: can marry someone
- /Kiss (Spouse) : Kiss a spouse you are currently married to
- /Marry : Lists all sub commands designated for the /Marry command.
Dependencies and Compatibility
How to Install
- Drop this plugin into you plugins folder
- Restart your server
- Fixed chat colors again
- players can now divorce players that are not online
- Fixed color codes
- Added ability to have debug messages
- Added Cooldowns (can be turned off by setting MarryM.CoolDownTime to -1)
- Added pitfalls in case Command is incorrect.
- Fixed /marry Divorce and /marry Kiss message
- Fixed possible permission errors
- Players can no longer marry themselves.
- Fixed naming conventions
- added permissions to add multiple spouses
- Marry.canHaveTwo: Can have up to two wives
- Marry.canHaveFive: Can have up to five wives
- Marry.canHaveUnlimited can have unlimited wives
- Fixed spelling errors
- Fixed permissions
- Added /marry who to find out the players own marriageable status.
- Just released
I will add on to this plugin whatever seems needed. If you have an idea for what I could add, post in the comments and I may add it.
When i do the command /marry ProposeTo & a player,
i have this in the chat :
And in the console
This doesn't work with the latest Bukkit build and throws a Null when you enter a command
It'd be awesome if the plugin worked :(
How do you give permission to marry people
In reply to FlyingTurtle:
Marry.canMarry: can marry someone
In reply to FlyingTurtle:
Marry.canMarry: can marry someone
I do not understand what you mean. Is this a question or an idea of what to add?
More perfect?
More perfect function? Just a kiss?
Buffs or effects such as xp gain, effect boosts(speed, strength, etc.),
The radius could be set in the config by how many blocks away that these effects are active from your spouse,
or maybe make it so that as long as your spouse is online you get the buffs. "Radius: 0"
Also each boost could be configurable.
Radius of effects: 5 (blocks)
Speed: 1 (level of boost)
Strength: 2
Regeneration: 1
XP multiplier radius: 10
XP Multiplier: 2 (1 would be default gain, 2 would be 2x, also multipliers could be doubles: 1.5x or 0.2x)
If you could add these that would be awesome and thank you for taking the time to reply!
Hello Chaos,
I could add this feature, but I need you to tell me first
Since this plugin was for Sammy originally, these effects would have to be disabled on download, and only through the config will it be activated. I am interested in adding this "Buff" feature, but only if I can understand what you mean.
Can you add buffs when you are near your spouse?