Where does it go #8

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to _ForgeUser4967307
  • _ForgeUser8771169 created this issue May 19, 2012

    What is the enhancement in mind?
    Ability to define an iconomy or other account name.

    Please provide any additional information below.
    First let me say what a nice plugin that you have created.

    I am wondering what happens to the fee when it is deducted ?

    If nothing - would it be possible to define an account for the fees to go into, for you see that I have a town economy and one of my endeavours is to make it viably sustainable. I have shops that define an account but the users sell more than they buy so you see that if I can get the fees placed into my towns economy then I am that much closer to a viably sustainable goal.

    I have a plugin that defines an account name in its config file, maybe you could mimike this idea.

  • _ForgeUser8771169 added the tags New Enhancment May 19, 2012

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