Multiple Transmitter Torches #5

  • Replied
  • Enhancment
Assigned to _ForgeUser7490946
  • _ForgeUser7531550 created this issue May 19, 2012

    What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?
    It would be a nice feature if torch arrays could have multiple transmitters.

    I am no code expert but a way this could be achieved is if you create another torch type, for example:

    and then when a user types:
    /mt transmitter or /mt create transmitter

    each torch they right click after setting the torch type would allow the torch to function in the same way as the first transmitter.

    It would be great to see this feature sorklin.

  • _ForgeUser7531550 added the tags New Enhancment May 19, 2012
  • _ForgeUser7490946 posted a comment May 21, 2012

    Couple of things:

    • You can have two different arrays (and their transmitters) broadcasting to the same receivers. So for many applications, this would accomplish what you need.
    • You can designate a receiver torch of one array to be a transmitter of another array, so you can set up relays.

    There are circuit applications (such as AND, OR, etc.) that would require multiple transmitters, but until I create that, you can always broadcast to a hidden circuit. I.E. each input transmits to the circuit which is hidden elsewhere, and that circuits output transmits back to the output you want it to act upon.

    But the basic structure of this plugin would not allow two transmitters without a lot of hack work.

    Edited May 21, 2012
  • _ForgeUser7490946 removed a tag New May 21, 2012
  • _ForgeUser7490946 added a tag Waiting May 21, 2012
  • _ForgeUser7531550 posted a comment May 28, 2012

    ok thanks for the info sorklin.
    creating hidden circuits could make things a little more complex for something that would normally be simple.

    The main reason that I created this ticket though is because I saw a few people request it in the comments section and I thought that I would submit the request in an official way as well as I thought I would offer a hypothetical way to achieve it and from what has been said that doesn't work.

    But thanks for letting me know about the 'stackable' transmitters and recievers

  • _ForgeUser7531550 removed a tag Waiting May 28, 2012
  • _ForgeUser7531550 added a tag Replied May 28, 2012
  • _ForgeUser7490946 posted a comment May 28, 2012

    When I implement circuit torches, which I plan to, it'll require reference to another transmitter. At that point, I'll figure the best way to handle multiple transmitters.

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