Note: MagicSpells is being maintained on this GitHub fork and you can find help at the official Discord.
MagicSpells is a Minecraft Bukkit plugin that creates magic spells your players can use. Its main purpose is to give your players access to certain abilities that you might not want to give them unlimited access to. However, instead of just giving them access to boring commands, they instead get more interesting spells. Each spell can be configured in many ways:
- Reagent costs (the cost of using the spell, including items, mana, health, hunger, experience, and item durability)
- Cooldowns (the amount of time a player must wait between uses)
- Durations (how long certain effects last)
- Ranges (how far away spells can be used from their target)
- Many more options, depending on the spell
Spells can be cast by using the /cast command, swinging a configurable wand item, or both. It's also possible to have them triggered from other actions the player may take. It's all customizable.
Before a player can cast a spell, they must already know it. There are several ways a player can learn a spell:
- Taught with the teach spell
- Learned from a spellbook
- Learned from a tome
- Gained from a grant permission
- Purchased from a shop
- Being a server op (they know all spells) For example, a server op can teach Bob the blink spell by typing: ''/cast teach bob blink''.
Once a spell is learned, it can be cast either by using the ''/cast'' command or by using a wand item. Now that Bob knows the blink spell, he can either cast it by command, by typing ''/cast blink'', or he can cast it with a wand item. To select the spell, he holds the wand in his hand and right clicks. Right clicking will cycle through any spells assigned to the item he is holding. When he has the one he wants, he left clicks to cast.
If Bob does not have the required reagents for the spell, or if he has cast it recently and it is still on cooldown, he will not be able to cast the spell and will instead receive an error message.
If mana is enabled, a player can use the ''/mana'' command to see how much mana they currently have. Mana can also be configured so it is displayed on the experience bar.
Useful Links
Magic spells for 1.8.7 works 100% for me... Feel free to visit Or PM me for any questions on this! Here to help! (please don't ask me on server as its not appropriate.)
@ ModingMinecraft:
I saw your unique spell that used a configuration of xp and ticks? Can you explain how those work and if a spell can be "leveled up" ?
Here is my idea :
@odat : You can try my server but its not cracked, sorry. IP:
@ MasterMithrandr :
Someone posted they tried to update magicspells for 1.8.7 :
I update to github 06.06 base. Use this version
this build work 1.7.6 - 1.8.7 but maybe have somebug to 1.8.4+
Maybe try that one see if it works? I am using it and so far everything works (but i dont use disguises)
Im not sure how to do what you are asking for, but in the past when i have wanted flying to be "Fair" i set it to remove the flying spell from the player when they take or deal damage. Its an option in the core spell.
Looking to remove the ability to cast spells on flying players. Want flying players to build in peace , as they cannot attack others while flying either.
is this correct? There is no info about * and if it would include the "air block"
target-modifiers: - onblock * required str-modifier-failed: You cannot hit flying players.
The resist spell isn't fully working, I can't add a normal-damage-types, when I do, the spell doesn't exist, I can use spell-damage-types, arcane, I can also do normal-damage-types and put arcane, but when I try a normal damage type like contact or fire, the spell just doesn't exist and won't work. I have several other resist spells already in that work to test using arcane damage type. Possible fix for this?
Craftbukkit Version: 1.7.9 R0.1 MagicSpells version 1.7.9 3.3
arcaneresist: spell-class: ".buff.ResistSpell" spell-damage-types: - arcane multiplier: 0.5 duration: 60 testresist: spell-class: ".buff.ResistSpell" normal-damage-types: - arcane multiplier: 0.5 duration: 60 testresist1: spell-class: ".buff.ResistSpell" normal-damage-types: - contact multiplier: 0.5 duration: 60
The testresist1 is the one which won't exist in the server, no matter what. The testresist does
Spigot version: 1.8.8 MagicSpells version: 3.4.2-dev-1504171457 (The latest from April) ProtocolLib version: 3.6.4
Disguise spells are still broken using all software up to date.
[18:01:48 WARN]: [MagicSpells] DisguiseManager could not be created!
@BODOCITY111 GivePermissionTrigger: spell-class: ".PassiveSpell" xp-required: - fire 8000 triggers: - ticks 500 spells: - GivePermission GivePermission: spell-class: ".ExternalCommandSpell" can-cast-by-command: true can-cast-with-item: false command-to-execute: - "{command to give the player a permission with %a as their name}" - "{command to give the player a permission with %a as their name}" execute-on-console-instead: true
Bukkit Forums will probably screw up the spacing on this but I thought I would help anyway. The magicspells community has moved away from the bukkit forums to nisovin's forums and if you have any further questions I would ask them there. Good Luck
The plugin does work in 1.8 but there are only dev builds which you can find on Nisovin's website (Just google nisovin & Magicspells) It is a bit finicky but you can find help for that on Nisovin's Forums. If you are using 1.7 then please try protocol lib that should help
Please fix this plugin! All transformation spell functionalities are broken!
Magic is currently extremely rare on my server... sorry >:D
Wow cool plugin, looks really cool!
Does anyone know of a 1.8 magicspells cracked server? I'm really excited to try this plugin but I can't find a server to play...
Is it possible to create a way for players to get a permission node once reaching a certain MagicXP? Like, for instance, if Bob reaches a "Fire" level of 8000, he'll be given the node "serversigns.archmage" along with "-serversigns.mage"
Has anyone had an issue with the zap spell's "drop-normal" feature not actually dropping anything?
I need help with making spells and how do I disable casting? I just want them to use sticks to cast spells not /cast. Also none of the custom spells on the forums work.
Does anyone know if and when we will be able to use tilecrack and iconcrack partcle effects again?
binding is a spell, not anything special, so to enable /cast bind through permissions you simply use magicspells.grant.bind and so on.
when i do /cast nothing happens, it only shows /cast in chat, please help
Hey when i do /cast it only shows /cats in caht and does nothing. It does the same with every other command.