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UploadedSep 10, 2013
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Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.6.2-R0.1
- CB 1.5.2-R1.0
MagicSpells v3.0-b2
- Added DisguiseSpell (no longer requires external Jar file)
- The SpawnMonster spell can now define potion effects
- Added spell-on-break option to Pulser spell
- The modifier conditions hasitem, wearing, and holding now support item names
- Added pitchabove and pitchbelow conditions
- Various bug fixes
MagicSpells v3.0-b1
- Added new spells:
- BowSpell: similar to the ArrowSpell, but different
- ConjureFireworkSpell: conjure some fireworks
- ConjureBookSpell: conjure a book
- DestroySpell: cause amazing destruction
- DummySpell: used for effects mostly, for advanced spell configurations
- PortalSpell: open a portal to your marked location for a short time, that can be used multiple times and by other players
- StunSpell: stuns the target, preventing them from moving or taking any action
- Targeting system reworked
- Removed target-players and target-non-players options from almost all spells
- Added a new can-target option to all spells, which is a comma-separated list of valid targets
- Options for can-target: self (the casting player), players, invisibles (vanished players), nonplayers, monsters, animals; plus all entity types (zombies, skeletons, etc)
- Example usage: can-target: "players,zombies,skeletons,creepers"
- Improvements for PredefinedItems
- Much prettier and more readable configuration layout
- Can now specify predefined-items in individual spell config files
- Improvements for SpellEffects
- Much prettier and more readable configuration layout
- The 'line' and/or 'trail' position now works with all spell effects
- Added 'buff' effect position, which makes an effect continue to play while a buff is active
- Added 'orbit' effect position, which is similar to 'buff' but has the effect orbit the player
- Many spells can now be cast from the console
- A spell that targets an entity can be cast at a player using "cast spellname playername", for example: "cast pain nisovin"
- A spell that targets a location can be cast using "cast spellname world,x,y,z", for example: "cast lightning world,-150,84,345"
- Many external spells can also be cast from console now
- Some spells can now be cast by command blocks
- Generally only works with spells that target a location, such as AreaEffectSpell and PulserSpell
- The ExternalCommandSpell and MultiSpell also work
- Can specify a coordinate offset, in the format: "cast spellname x y z" (these are offset coordinates, not exact coordinates)
- Example: to cast the spell 3 blocks above the commandblock: "cast spellname 0 3 0"
- Added 'money' as a spell cost option, requires Vault to be enabled to work
- Added dance casting
- New general options: enable-dance-casting, dance-cast-item, str-dance-start, str-dance-complete, str-dance-fail
- New spell option: dance-cast-sequence
- A dance cast sequence can consist of the following moves: left click (C), sneak (S), unsneak (U), double space jump (J), move forward (F), move backward (B), move left (L), move right(R)
- An example dance-cast-sequence: "CSCUC"
- Note that you cannot have two movement moves in a row, for example, the sequence "CLRLR" will not work, but "CLCRC" would work
- To begin a dance cast, first right click with the dance-cast-item, then perform the moves, then right click again with the item to cast
- Added general options: ignore-grant-perms and ignore-cast-perms (both default to false)
- Added consume-cast-item option to all spells
- Added power-affects-duration option to all buff spells
- Changes to existing spells:
- ArrowSpell: now uses cost
- BuildSpell: added play-break-effect option
- CleanseSpell: can now remove buff spells
- ConjureSpell: added random-velocity option
- DisarmSpell: now works on non-players (zombies, skeletons, etc)
- FarmSpell: now supports potatoes and carrots, also added new-crop-type option
- FoodSpell: added max-saturation option
- MaterializeSpell: added play-break-effect option
- ParticleProjectileSpell: added max-duration, power-affects-velocity, stop-on-hit-ground, hug-surface, and height-from-surface options; also now travels through blocks such as tall grass
- RepairSpell: added allowed-items option
- SpawnMonsterSpell: added options to spawn monsters with armor
- TargetedMultiSpell: added cast-random-spell-instead option
- ThrowBlockSpell: added ensure-spell-cast and sticky-blocks option
- ZapSpell: added play-break-effect option
- The MagicSpellsCastModifiers addon plugin has been integrated into the main plugin (and is therefore no longer needed)
- Added target-modifiers option, which allows you to specify modifiers for the target of a targeted spell
- Added new conditions:
- blocking
- distancelessthan <distance> (targeted only)
- distancemorethan <distance> (targeted only)
- entitytype <type> (targeted only)
- onfire
- playeronline <player>
- potioneffect <type>
- riding [entitytype]
- roof <height>
- sneaking
Note that this is a beta release, not an official release. There are many, many changes in this version, and probably plenty of bugs. Please submit bug reports in the ticket system.