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    Mar 25, 2012
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.2.4-R1.0


  • Added the option of "exploding" your spell config into multiple small files; to do this, type "cast configexplode" on the console, then open the plugins/MagicSpells/spellconfigs folder
  • Added 'TargetedMultiSpell'
  • Added 'UnbindSpell' (the old way of binding to your empty hand will no longer work)
  • Added general 'allow-cast-with-fist' option, and 'allow-bind-to-fist' option on the bind spell (note: if you enable this option, it is possible that any spells "unbound" using the old method will now be bound to the player's fist; also, cycling spells on the fist only works when right-clicking a block, it will not work when right-clicking in air)
  • The 'windwalk' spell no longer uses creative mode (which means it's actually usable!), it also has new options: launch-speed, cancel-on-teleport, cancel-on-logout
  • Added 'restrict-to-worlds' option to all spells, as well as a general 'str-wrong-world' option and the same option for all spells
  • Added transparent-types option to stonevision to allow for multiple transparent types
  • Added prevent-player-damage option to explode spell
  • Setting target-players to false on lightning and fireball will now completely prevent player damage from those spells
  • Added aoe-radius, target-players, and allow-target-change options to projectile spell
  • Added 'cloud' effect
  • The 'mark' and 'recall' spells can now have copies made (the 'recall' spell now has a mark-spell option, which should specify the internal name of the mark spell it corresponds to) (Important: due to this change, you will need to rename your marks.txt file to marks-mark.txt [or marks-markspellname.txt if you've changed the internal name of your mark spell])
  • The first spell bound to a cast item will be auto-selected if allow-cycle-to-no-spell is false
  • Fixed bug when casting forget from console
  • Fixed bug with WorldGuard based no-magic zones
  • Fixed consume-book option on tome spell to apply when the tome is used, not when it is created
  • Using enderpearls with a projectile spell will no longer cause the caster to teleport to the target location (and probably to their doom)
  • Using eggs with a projectile spell will no longer spawn chickens
  • Various other bug fixes and improvements
  • The minion spell is currently disabled. Sorry about that, but I haven't had time to work out how to fix it.
  • You will need to rename your marks.txt file to marks-mark.txt (or marks-markspellname.txt if you've changed the internal name of your mark spell).
  • The reach, zap, and windwalk spells will be broken on 1.2.3, due to needing to be modified to work with 1.2.4.