Fixed mana regen yet again; regen-tick-seconds is now regen-tick-rate and is tick-based (20 ticks per second), and regen-percent is now regen-amount, and is a fixed amount rather than a percentage
Added require-known-spell option to help spell
Can now repair bows, and added ignore-items and repair-amount options to repair spell
Added delay option for multispells
Added use-bed-location option for recall spell
Added play-fizzle-sound option to most instant spells (plays the fire extinguish sound when a spell fails to find a target)
Added consume-book option to tome spell
Added portal-animation option to blink spell
Windwalk prevents all block interaction now, which should fix most free-item issues with it
Added cancel-if-full and show-spell-effect options to heal spell
Fireball now uses damage-multiplier option instead of additional-damage
Fireball now plays casting sound
New fireball options: small-fireball (doesn't work well and fire can't be prevented), no-explosion-effect, no-explosion-damage, no-explosion-damage-range