Supported Bukkit Versions
- New spells: disarm, empower, forcetoss, mana, reflect, repair, walkway
- The mark and recall spells are now instant spells, so they can be bound to a wand
- Added shared-cooldown option for all spells
- Removed legacy Permissions support (please use PermissionsBukkit, PermissionsEx, or bPermissions)
- Added new permission nodes: magicspells.noreagents, magicspells.nocooldown, magicspells.silent
- Removed config options: cast-for-free and cast-no-cooldown in favor of above permission nodes
- Added multi-world support for no-magic zones
- External spells greatly improved:
- Command options now use the list format (with commands on different lines prefixed by dashes) rather than being separated with double bars
- Added delayed command feature to external spell (command-to-delay and command-delay options)
- Added targeting option for external spell (require-player-target, obey-los, range options)
- Can now use %t and %a in commands to fill in the target player and the acting (casting) player
- Can now add a temporary permission node
- Some refactoring, any custom coded spells will need to be updated (sorry about that)
- Various bug fixes and improvements