Problem with reparation of damage done by Fire Bolt. #20

  • Defect
  • Accepted
Assigned to _ForgeUser8881742
  • _ForgeUser9659729 created this issue Oct 6, 2012

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1. Craft a Fire 3 wand
    2. Find an area to test on.
    3. Cast Fire Bolt on any block type it is capable of causing damage to.
    4. Wait for the damage to repair itself.

    What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
       Expected: The fire bolt blows an average size hole in the blocks and over time the fire is put out and the blocks regenerate.
       Instead: The fire bolt blows an average size hole in the blocks and no matter how long you wait the blocks never regenerate.

    What version of the product are you using?

    Do you have an error log of what happened?

    Please provide any additional information below.
    Maybe the sand blocks that aren't destroyed fall into the hole and stop the timer?

    My settings file:

    messageoncast: true
    messageonoutofrange: true
    messageoncost: true
    costitemid: xp
    useworldguardregions: true
    spelldamageundo: true
    worlddamagetime: 30
    universalcooldown: false
    samewandset: true
    samewandcooldown: false
    disablespellinpeacefulfactionarea: true
    disablespellinallfactionarea: false
    disablespellinfactionsafezone: true
    disablespellsinalltowns: false
    disablespellsinnonpvptowns: true
    useworldlist: false
    - world
    - world_nether
    - world_the_end

  • _ForgeUser9659729 added the tags New Defect Oct 6, 2012
  • _ForgeUser9659729 edited description Oct 19, 2012
  • _ForgeUser8881742 removed a tag New Oct 28, 2012
  • _ForgeUser8881742 added a tag Accepted Oct 28, 2012

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