Server Compatibility
Please make sure you download the correct version for your server:
- 1.9.3 and up => Latest Build
1.8.8: => Magic-5.5.6
1.8.3: => Magic-5.3.3
1.7.x => Magic-CB1.x
Earlier: => Check Compatibility in Files Section
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Check the reference manual for configuration options
Check the config info page for spell, wand and other info
Find examples in the builtin configs
Check your logs for errors
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More Information
Please see the Magic home page on github for up-to-date information!
Metrics Collection
This plugin uses bstats for metrics collection. The information sent to is completely anonymous, publicly viewable, and includes the following metrics:
- A unique identifier
- The server's version of Java
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode
- The plugin's version
- The server's version
- The OS version/name and architecture
- The core count for the CPU
- The number of players online
- The Metrics version
Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true, or by editing this plugin's config.yml and changing "metrics_level" to 0.
Full changelog can be viewed on github
In reply to Forge_User_00829257:
The list of files states with which versions the plugin is compatible. (yes)
yes so I installed this plugin in my survival server and I have a question. So I need SP to obtain spells. What is SP and how do I obtain it?
In reply to Forge_User_31778306:
You get SP for casting spells successfully. If you deal damage with Magic Missile, for example, you'll get SP. When you hold a wand the amount of SP you have will be displayed where your Levels are normally - whatever level you are is what SP you have. There's a cooldown after getting SP before you can get any again. The spell just has to be successfully cast to give SP, for combat spells that means dealing damage, for something like 'Chop' or 'Mine' that's breaking blocks, and for something like 'Reflect' or 'Blob' that's just being cast.
Hi, I am having an issue and im not sure if this is documented. I /mgave myself a magic item shop. it was an end portal block. i am unable to place it very similarly to when i cant place the magic torch. Any idea?
In reply to xxjakarroxx:
What specifically did you give yourself? I don’t think I use the end portal block for any spell icons :|
Ive downloaded the magic plugin for my server but it doesnt show any of the spells nor armour, it works well and im able to use everything.. but it doesnt show the icons.. ive tried using the resource pack as well but it doesnt do anything
In reply to Aquawolfdog:
You definitely need the resource pack if you want to see the icons and such. If you have this set up as a server, you should only need to add the server to your list in Minecraft and make sure resource packs are set to "Enabled".
Otherwise if you want to use the RP manually, make sure to download the right version- you'll see a link in your server logs on startup.
Hey so i started using this plugin on my server and it worked fine for the first day. Then one of newer players said they couldn't make a wand using the blaze rod and nether star recipe. I tried making a new one as well and it didn't work, I've tried resetting the server and resetting all texture packs and nothing works. Anyone know what to do?
In reply to m5javigaming:
Firstly make sure you don't use "/reload"- but otherwise, try and check your server logs and see if there are any errors.
Are other aspects of the plugin working? What Magic and server version are you on?
In reply to elBukkit:
Hi thanks for the reply, i have not used /reload, all other aspects seem to be working for example /mskills and /wand all work fine.
I don't know how to access logs as i am pretty new to server management, but doing /mconfig clear shows up errors
As for magic and server version. I am running on 1.16.1 and plugin version is the latest build.
I am also running MCmmo and emerald tools pulgins if that effects anything.
In reply to m5javigaming:
It definitely sounds like you have errors somewhere, you'll probably need to figure out how to get to your logs. If you have access to server files it'd be in logs/latest.log
You can also try deleting plugins/Magic/* (leave the data folder if you don't want players to lose their progress) - but it sounds like you may have tried that already by "reset the server"?
Hello, this might sound stupid but... is there any way to give an specific armor or weapon certain magic spells? For example, having a diamond helmet that lets me use the reflect spell, or having an iron sword that can make me use the magic missile spell.
In reply to jaimitojuega:
Interesting idea, but no not exactly. You can have items and armor with passive effects, but not ones that would add or remove spells when held or worn.
hello. does this plugin support spigot 1.16 yet? if not, when?
In reply to bonbot:
Only in dev builds for now.
hey! I'm looking at "config.yml" in the files and was wondering what the names of the spell files were? Because if I find out then I could make a started wand in everybody who joins' inventory with special spells.
In reply to reliablebeast:
Make sure you understand how wands work before you do that. The default wand you get grows with you, the survival configs aren't meant to have more than one kind of wand.
But you can definitely do that if you want.
All the survival spells are here:
And the wand config is here:
how do you automatically get all of the spells
In reply to meganoscope:
/mgive uberwand
In reply to elBukkit:
i mean unlock all of them not in one wand