Server Compatibility
Please make sure you download the correct version for your server:
- 1.9.3 and up => Latest Build
1.8.8: => Magic-5.5.6
1.8.3: => Magic-5.3.3
1.7.x => Magic-CB1.x
Earlier: => Check Compatibility in Files Section
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Check the reference manual for configuration options
Check the config info page for spell, wand and other info
Find examples in the builtin configs
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More Information
Please see the Magic home page on github for up-to-date information!
Metrics Collection
This plugin uses bstats for metrics collection. The information sent to is completely anonymous, publicly viewable, and includes the following metrics:
- A unique identifier
- The server's version of Java
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode
- The plugin's version
- The server's version
- The OS version/name and architecture
- The core count for the CPU
- The number of players online
- The Metrics version
Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true, or by editing this plugin's config.yml and changing "metrics_level" to 0.
Full changelog can be viewed on github
In reply to gabyas51:
As a player you can not get them unless the server has enabled the engineering configs.
I'm sorry if this question was already asked, but is there a way to turn off block breaking or grief?
In reply to 64ryou:
Get a nice protection plugin like WorldGuard or RedProtect.
If you do not want this plugin making any block changes anywhere, you may have the wrong plugin. I'd suggest looking at MagicSpells, it can do a lot of what Magic can do without block changes.
Does Magic not work with Citizens2 NPC's traits anymore? I had them working for shops but now it says the trait not found.
In reply to TippiestComet63:
Yes it should still work. Do you see any messages like these in your startup logs?
so does this work on 1.16.3 because it seems really cool by my server is not the right verion
In reply to adriandragon207:
Yes, 1.16.3 is supported.
In reply to elBukkit:
Sorry but I don't think this is true. I try every command but all I get is the help list. I can't even give myself a wand anymore. Please help.
The shock arrow spell with the bow makes mobs drop their weapons, This can be abused with custom mobs like my server has. Is there a way i can disable the spell or make it so it doesn't make mobs drop their items?
In reply to x_narz_x:
Please give the customization guide a quick read:
You should probably put something like this in plugins/Magic/spells.yml
The disarm spell also takes mobs' weapons away.
Chain lightning uses the same electrify action ... I guess that's what is causing the mobs to drop their weapons ... I guess? Actually I have no idea, that should only affect creepers. Idk, turn them off anyway I guess XD
I can't think of any other that would do that.
Do you think it would be possible for you guys to update the server to 1.16.3? I know it’s very new but my server updated to it and it’s not letting me turn it back so, the plungin has stopped working. Just let me know if you’re planning on updated and how soon :)
In reply to santaloll:
The most recent two versions work on 1.16.3
how do make the Spell Points fill faster on the spell? In order to make lighter to lvl up
In reply to Forge_User_67474097:
The simplest way to do that is to change default.earns_cooldown in spells.yml. See the default file for more info:
This will make players able to spam spells more often for SP.
Seem your website( has some error about crafting recipes for Mirror shield, ocarina and mirror shield. please fix them, Thank you
edit: Would you make chainmail armor texture that only work on wizard clothes sets? just like you make wand texture for wooden hoe, Thank again
In reply to choco_martini:
Probably won't happen anytime soon, I don't have the icons for the ingredients. Look at the configs for the crafting recipes if you want to be sure!
You can't make custom armor. I'll probably just remove the wizard clothes in an RP update.
You ever think about being compatible with ?
Edit: ItemsAdder
In reply to BreezySoundz:
No. That dev steals other people's assets and sells them for money.
In reply to elBukkit:
Just like 80% of dev's? Lmfao alright.
Hye, i have a question
does the plugin support 1.16.1 version of minecraft?