Magic 6.2
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UploadedJun 9, 2016
Size1.85 MB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.10
- 1.9
- Fix CraftBukkit compatibility
- Fix Heroes integration throwing NPEs
- Add compatibility for Spigot/MC 1.10
- The RP checker will now compute an actual SHA1 for your RP, since 1.10 now verifies it
- Add "Soul Wand" system (currently work-in-progress)
- Fix cyclemode upgrade
- Add Magic.commands.cast.parameters permission, in case you really really want to give your players /cast permission.
- Add Magic.spawners permission, to allow non-op'd players to place custom mob spawners
- Converted tweak/upgrade icons to RP-based icons
- Several spells are now optional, players don't need to acquire them to rank up
- Add "/mtrait hat" command, for putting spells, wands and hats on an NPC's head (See:
- Add support for an "override" entry in spells.yml, for settings that should effect ALL spells
- Fix compatibility issues with keep-on-death wands and CombatTagPlus kill-on-quit
- Offhand casts now show a visibile swing animation
- Add "filter_bound" parameter to ItemShop, to not show bound items a player already has
- Fix broken wand progression when spells have been disabled. (Sorry!)
- Fix architect/engineer upgrade shops (Also Sorry, bleh)
- Mine/Chop will no longer make drops out of temporary blocks
- Second page of book can be used to set name/lore in /mitem skull command
- Spell casts now originate from correct hand for Lefties
- Add "save_default_configs" option to config.yml, is kinda wonky but works
- All spell icons are now in the Resource Pack, player skulls are no longer used.
- The default files are no longer saved to your server. I found this too confusing for people. Check github for the defaults.
- Updated "trinketshop" with lots more skulls
- All decorative player head names prefixed with "skull_"
- Fix warlock wand appearance
- Add /mitem add/remove unplaceable command, for making a block unplaceable
- Add Dark Wizard, Mega Spider and Dark Spider mobs
- Add Webbing spell (for spider mobs)
- Add /mmob clear command, for getting rid of magic mobs
- Add "Magic.use.<wand>" permission list, for controlling individual wand permissions.
- Add spsellshop, for exchanging SP for money
- Add disguise support (via LibsDisguises) to magic mobs
- Add madscientist mob (example of using player disguises)
- Add DisguiseAction, Polymorph spell (not on any enchanting paths since it relies on LibsDisguises)
- Nerfed Blessing
- Item worth specified in items.yml will be used by shops, using a simple list of items
- Don't allow water spreading when water naturally flows as a result of magic
This fixes a server-crashing issue with player skulls and flowing water (Triggers internal Spigot bug) - Add support for custom mob spawners that spawn magic mobs
- Add spawnershop and custom mob spawners (including Warlocks)
- Warlocks now have fall protection and thorns armor
- Fix wand enchanting (when sp is disabled), was broken in 6.0.9
- Update brooms, the boost power (space bar)c will now directly affect speed.
- Add /mmob list command, to list all custom mob types. Tab-complete now includes vanilla mobs.
- Add "allow_pvp_restricted" config option, to allow pvp-restricted spells to be cast anywhere.
- Add health and hunger options for spell casting costs
- No longer blocking crafing of the wood hoe and diamond sword
- Default emerald worth changed to 100 to make Vault-less economy less expensive
- Currency system tweaked, deposits/withdrawals only work with emeralds and gold nuggets
- Add survival_fly NCP exemptions to brooms/levitate
- NCP integration is on by default (if NCP is present)
- Fix for magic wearables not getting worn on right-click
- Add /mitem export command, dump items, names and costs to a CSV file
- The FallProtection action will now work an unlimited number of times by default (within the given duration)
Use the protection_count parameter to reduce this. - Fix wands still having right-click turned on by default (Toggle button is Q now)
- Fix for "circular riding" issues with Mount
- Add "sp_earn_enabled" option
- Possible breaking API changes: Refactored casting costs, changed range values to double
- Add Dragon Ball spell (shoots an Ender Dragon fireball)
- All mana-related configuration and properties changed from "xp" to "mana". Should be backwards-compatible.
- Improved ender dragon targeting, fixed ender dragon direct damage
- Add support for spells consuming SP to cast
- Tweaked Petrify spell, add 2 more levels
- Add "/mitem type" sub-command for changing an item's type
- Fix wands interfering with infinite potion effects added by other plugins
- Changed "mode_cast" property of wands to "quick_cast". Backwards compatible.
- Add more customization options for wands, each of left/right click, drop and swap can now
be assigned a specific function from cast, toggle inv, cycle hotbar, cycle spells. - Add Lightsaber configs (W.I.P.)
- Added EquationEffect to EffectLib, for creating custom effects
- Falling blocks won't cause physics updates if the spell that launched them doesn't
- Some fixes to tracking attached blocks, particularly fire, for undo
- Fix the default wand having no mana- SORRY about that!
- Fix issues with cooldowns resetting when they shouldn't
- Fix welcome_wand feature
- Add "Capture" spell- Conduit (staff) only for now. Captures any mob into a spawn egg.
- Add support for a few attributes to the /mitem command (attack damage, attack speed, movement speed)
- Add "Philbert Egg" item, a charged creeper egg. DANGER!
- Add "mobshop" for selling mob eggs, several more custom spawn eggs
- Add relative location support to the "mmob spawn" command
- REQUIRES Spigot build 697 or higher!
- The offhand swap button (F) is now used to cycle hotbars
- Fix brooms
- Add craftable Ocarina item (Thank you, SexyToad!)
- Cloak of Invisibility is now invisible while worn
- Fix wand effect_bubbles
- Add items.yml, configuration for setting up non-wand items and item values
- Add new permissions: Magic.wand.overwrite, Magic.wand.overwrite_own for controlling "/wand save"
- Default wand is now called "wand" rather than "default"
- Added "/wand delete" command for deleting saved wands
- Add /mitem command:
- save : Save your held item, can be used in crafting, /mgive, etc
- delete : Delete a saved item
- describe : Show item details
- name : Set a custom display name for an item
- duplicate : Clone an item
- worth : Show how much an item is worth, can be defined with /mitem save
- add/remove : Add and remove lore, flags, unbreakable, enchants (coming soon: attributes)
- Add "hylian_shield" item (non-magical, just a cool Link shield)
- Add "trinketshop" including several decorative player skulls (try /mgive aquarium)
- Add "Glide" spell- an instant Elytra!
- Add "bypass_upgrade_commands" permission, useful for staff if your command contain rank-ups
- Lift now applies the Levitation effect when used on a mob/player
- Add Elytra crafting recipe, disabled by default
- Add attributes support for magic mobs (used only on Mutant Captain for now)
- Fix issues right-clicking signs
- Fix issues with pasting signs in schematics (Fixes Wolf House crashing clients!)
- The mana bar is now completely virtual, should fix compatibility issues with other plugins
- Levitate deactivates on dismount rather than crashing (for now?)
- Fix Magic Hat appearance
- Fix wands not being craftable
- Fixed wands being placeable in droppers
- Only bound+undroppable wands are completely undroppable now, but can be put in ender chests
- /wand restore won't restore wands that you have in your ender chest
- Dropped support for 1.8!
- Wands in the offhand slot can cast spells with right-click. Dual-wielding wands!
- All wand templates changed to "Q to drop" by default! This is to support the off hand.
- Fix sounds not playing
- Fix PermaFrost and Forest spells, biome lists needed updating
- Add custom villager recipes to magic mob spawning. Yay economy rebalance!
- Tracking Sense now applies the glowing effect to the target entity
- Fix for Arrow-based spells
- All wand icons moved to the wooden hoe, other icons are now normal craftable items.
- Add enable_resource_pack_check option to work around new RP behavior where it won't update on changes.
This build only works on 1.9 and up!