Magic 5.2.1
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UploadedOct 9, 2015
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Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.8.3
- The Magic.commands.mskills permission (for /mskills) now defaults to op-only
- Added several new tweakshop actions to configure quick-cast and drop/right-click modes
- Add Cursed Meat item (use it if you dare dare dare dare!)
- Add Debugger spell, for debugging spell issues
- Fix/Restore previous /cast command behavior with cooldowns
- Add mana_display: none option, to turn off the XP mana display
- Add skills_use_permissions option, to use the /mskills menu with Magic spells
- Add /magic list entities command, for showing entity bounding boxes and HP by type
- Tweak entity hitboxes a bit, should be a little easier to hit now
- Add new spell (currently unobtainable), "One-Way Ticket to Boomstown"
- Fix duplicate spell icon issue with chest mode
- Several fixes/changes to wand tracking. Hoping this fixes a slew of wand dupe/glitch bugs.
- Create pluggable player data system. Currently just an API, eventually may allow for DB storage.
- Add global cooldown (Exhaustion) option, apply to Kill spell
- Add ApplyCooldown action, resurrect Silence spell
- Confusion no longer prevents spell casting (by default, use bypass_confusion: false if you want to switch it back)
- Add some new sound effects
- Add Cure Level 3, to cure Silence
- Separate console/command-block reductions, console casts no longer have cooldowns by default
- Add Wave and Shuriken spells
- Add "Quick Cast" option to spells, apply to Sunny Day and Night spells
- Add support for upgrades that change wand templates and icon behavior
- Changed icon for architect wand, you may need to tweak existing ones with
/wand configure icon gold_pickaxe - Changed icon for invisibility cloak back to ender eye
- Fixed PVP checks with GriefPrevention integration
- Add Blaster item, very WIP
- Add Nuke Level 2 (Breaks all block types, larger radius)
- Add Smite spell (Lightning effect + Blast + Ignite/Damage)
- Fix Recall using ad-hoc warps via "/cast recall warp <warpname>"
- GriefPrevention integration now checks for PVP not being allowed in player claims
- Disarm will undo if you change items (but not if you move them around)
- Add "rage" sword, gathers mana via damage
- Add "requires" parameter for NPC trait, for item cost requirements
- Add per-recipe crafting permissions (e.g. Magic.craft.broomstick)
- Add Vault-based economy costs to spells ("currency" in costs)
- NOTE: Reflect will need "axis: z" added to its parameters if you've got your own configs
- Add Tendril and Ghast spells (master level)
- Fix Sandblast
- Tweak Nuke and Tornado
- Add auto-undo to Disarm spell
- Add LibsDisguise integration, most spells cannot be cast while disguised.
This can be controlled via the "allow_disguised" parameter on spells. - Fix/Tweak shapes of Shell and Walls
- Add max_enchant_count option for wands, see "starter" wand
- Add skeleton_type parameter to SpawnEntity action
- Add "ghast" spell, mainly for playing with the SpawnEntity action
- Add arbitrary rotation for constructions, used in new "Tendril" spell
- Spells won't target armor stands (use target_armor_stand: true to change this in a spell's config)
- Wands can have colored names with & codes
- Fix falling block velocity
- Add much more detail to /help for Magic commands
- Levitate will auto-deactivate upon landing
- Add cooldown/re-cast timers to hotbar
- Add item requirement option for the enchantwand NPC trait
- Some changes to enchanting to allow for upgrades that don't always give a new spell
- Fix "upgrades" spell, NPE on creating spell items outside of wands
- Fix mob spawner dupe issue with SilkSpawners
- Fix a spell dupe bug/exploit with creative mode
- Update to latest Citizens. This may not be backwards compatible, but should
work with recent Citizens versions. - Fix very short range of custom sound effects
- Fix NPC "caster" parameter
- Fix rate of active spell costs
- Add BlockPhysics plugin integration (WIP)
- Fix horrible recursion error on physical damage with a wand
- Check for schematics in the Magic/schematics folder.
- Add "/magic list schematics" command
- Fall back to chest mode when in creative
- Fix yet another item-frame-related dupe exploit
- Some more chest mode fixes
- Fix Rocket Boots getting you kicked for flying
- Several performance and memory optimizations
- Proper rollback and replication of armor stands
- Fix projectile hit FX
- Some fixes for wand melee damage and short-range spell casting
- Fix the Wolf House and other single-use items that build things
- Brooms now crash properly in water instead of leaving you in a weird state
- Fixed/Improved Lockette integration
- Disable NCP integration by default, fix concurrency issue
- Disable wand melee damage (except swords)
- Fix NPE when blocking with a non-magic sword
- Remove the "elder" wand from survival configs. Just use the Wolf! (or copy it back in if this is a problem for you)
- Add flight exemptions for NCP and vanilla flight checks for Fling and Lift
- Add /mserver command, useful for moving other players between Bungee servers
- Fix Hat eating your helmet if you cast it on water or lava
- Fix some Master Sword glitches
- Add some protection against losing player inventories on server crash
- Balance/Fix Disintegrate, Torture, Monster/Familiar/Mob/Farm (add auto-undo)
- Add smarter handling of "sound" property in FX, deprecate custom_sound
- Disable crafting of a gold sword by default
- Fall protection (and other protection) will protect your mount as well (Fling+Mount!)
- Chests locked with Secure are now unbreakable unless you have the key
- Brooms/Levitate no longer re-activate on login. Fall protection will, though.
- Tracking Sense will prefer Players versus other mobs
- Add Star Wars configs - Work-in-Progress!
- Magic is now targeted for 1.8. See for 1.7-compatible builds.
- Fix Blink/Phase taking you to the top of the nether
- Make Secure keys unplaceable, aim up and cast for a replacement key
- Brooms use the 3D model while riding
- Fix command-block casting and automata with Factions and Lockette
- Magic Sword, Invisibility Cloak and Night Vision Goggles all have a custom item model
- Renamed Magic Sword to Master Sword, spells now upgradeable
- Master wand now gets the engineer item, architect has a staff
- Add some new mechanics for the Master Sword
- Fix custom configurations with randomized enchanting
- Add "Clear Effects" item to color shop
- Multiple wands will be tracked for "/wand restore"
- Broomsticks are now bound to the player, as is the Master Sword
- Cure casts no longer count towards level up unless it has something to cure
- Wound now does physical damage (added magic_damage parameter to turn this on/off per spell)
- Non-engineering spells now cancel and deactivate if you let go of your wand or are Cursed
- Schematics load asynchronously
- Fix build/break permission checks on incendiary/exploding projectiles
- Turned off pvp restrictions on most spells, preventing targeting players in PVP regions
- Add support for Towny warzones, friendly fire, and arenas
- Fix an item frame related dupe exploit
- Separate break/build permissions- check MIGRATION log.
- Expanded Towny integration, added "towny_wilderness_bypass" flag.
- Add ability to apply damage directly via a FallingBlock hit to ThrowBlock and ModifyBlock
- Some quick-cast fixes (Stash spell)
- Fixes to enchanting progress with disabled spells (disabling Rollback will disable upgrading to Engineer now)
- Add Secure Level 2
- Added Tree to the Engineering path
- Nerf stream, earth- add Stream Level 2 and 3
- Fix an item dupe issue with /give'ing items directly into the wand inventory
- Fix wands eating XP given directly to a player
- Add quick-cast from inventory, hit Q on a spell.
- Add brush selector paging
- Fix wand duplication glitch on certain death cases
- Fix compatibility with Scavenger plugin
- Add "use_magic_damage" config option to turn off "magic" (splash potion) damage source
- Fix XP scale to 1.8 standards (effects XP-based shops)
- Add "regenerate_while_inactive" config option to turn off wands regen'ing mana while not held
- Tweaks: Push, Mine, Flash Bang, Flare (lvl 2)
- Hotfix for 1.7 compatibilitiy
- /mmap list supports regex searching
- Add /mmap player command for creating player portraits without the Camera spell
- Add Lockpick spell (admin-only)
- Add "mmap" command for dealing with image maps (load, give, list)
- Add ability to import Pixelator images into Magic
- Optimize '/magic load'
- Tweak spell FX so they originate at the wand and end at the actual hit location
- Fix issue with inventory-mode wands when the default mode is chest
- Fix glitchy Admission behavior
- Add Secure spell
- Add Levels 2 and 3 to Wound, Kill and Torture spells
- Support animated GIFs in image maps (though you may not want to use it, bandwidth hog!)
- Fix very short visibility range of firework effects
- Add "command" trait for simple command NPCs
- Group /mskills skills by class
- Fix losing your broom if you die while riding
- Add "/mtrait invisible" for invisible NPCs
- Add configurable entity hitbox dimensions
- Some fixes the player death / inventory handling for compatibility
- Update Elder wand to be more like the Wolf
- Update Student,Apprentice,Master,Engineer and Architect wands to match enchanting paths
- Add Wand Shop
- Restore custom icons!
- Add Magnetic Leggings
- Try to work-around other plugins (/hat) putting the temporary hat in the player's inv.
- More fixes to chest mode
- Fix blocks not dropping when placed inside a magically constructed house
- Some fixes to death behavior that may have interfered with other plugins
- Fix loading banners from schematics
- Add page# to /mskills command
- Fix errors sending firework effects to other worlds
Temporarily turned off custom item icons due to complications with 1.8.4 client changes.
Added Heroes integration (can use Heroes skills with the "heroes" wand or /mskills items)
- Added Hulk Boots
- Add Cleric's Robes
- Allow crafting recipes for spells, brushes and normal items
- Firework effects are produced entirely client-side.
Hoping this addresses some "entity tracker" lag a few servers have been seeing. It might not. - EffectLib now runs effects asynchronously. Should help with lag from spamming complex effects like Helix.
- Fix "indestructible: false" on wands not working
- Hunters will mostly usually clean up after themselves on death
- Some fixes to EMP and SuperEMP
- Add allowed-wands and blocked-wands custom region flags
- Fix chest mode (some spells not showing up)
- Fix a potential conflict with other crafting plugins
- Fix running on CraftBukkit 1.8
- Added tons of new items (available in the "magicitemshop")
- Add Wizards' Robes set (chainmail armor, grants +10% mana each)
- Add Apprentice Robes set (chainmail armor, grants +5% mana each)
- Add Rabbit Boots, Rocket Boots, Flash Boots
- Add Invisible Cloak
- Add Night Vision Goggles
- Add Diving Helmet
- Magic Hat grants +10% mana regen and +20% max mana
- Fix item shop "price" lore not being removed when purchasing
- Removed wand health/hunger regen and haste properties. Replaced by potion effects, wands should auto-migrate.
- Removed Gills from the enchanting path (in favor of Diving Helmet item)
- Fix another Rollback exploit (Thanks, LordBoos!)
- Fix wands wiped if logout on death
- Some general safety precautions for saving player data, not sure if it fixes anything
- Add GriefPrevention support
- Add Walls and SuperCylinder spells
- Some fixes to prevent exploits and bugs with double chest rollback
- TNT, fireballs and thrown blocks won't affect a protected region
- Fix Chop and Mine recursion, add more levels
- Add support for custom-named physical currency
- Add Magic.wand.enchant and Magic.wand.craft permissions (true by default)
- Add native schematic loading- supports paintings, item frames, flower pots, and more.
- Removed WorldEdit soft-dependency
- Fix some chest mode issues, remove "fake hotbar"
- Add Magic.undo_others permission node for Rollback spell
- Some additional protection for dragging items in a GUI
- Remove unused "signs" parameter from ConstructSpell, using raw NBT for sign updates now
- Some fixes/improvements to Blink
- Magic Hat now grants a 20% max mana boost
- Added Tornado Level 2
- Fix Magic Hats disappearing, make them craftable (nether star + leather helmet)
- Magic hats now perform one of a random set of actions
- Add configurable list of entities to auto-undo. Now includes armor stands and dropped items.
- Re-balance enchanting and economy a bit
- Fix restoring chest contents creating glitched "0" amount items
- Fix items sometimes dropping from exploded chests set to auto-undo
- Remove "bounce" spell
- Add support for commands in Recall (for /f home, /spawn with warmup, etc)
- Fix Recall putting you in the ground/walls sometimes
- Add basic physical economy to shops (defaults to emeralds if Vault is not found!)
- Add Broom shop and Automata Heart buyback shop
- Fix mana regen rate (it's 4x what it should be)
- Allow mana to regen while not holding a wand
- Add Magic Hat item
- Remove special characters from messages.defaults.yml files
(Seems to be causing issues on Windows servers) - Various fixes for copying and restoring paintings and item frames
- Add Gatling Gun spell
- Add Tornado spell
- Add Rocket spell - ride a firework
- Add Forest spell - biome-specific forests
- Add Firework action for launched fireworks with effects
- Time spells are now undoable
- Re-balance Laser, Stun and Curse
- Action-ize several more spells
- Add Magic.bypass_restricted permission
- Allow overlapping spell FX
- Fix SuperAlter
- Allow wearing Banners with Hat spell
- Hotfix for spell shop title issues and Laser auto-rollback failure
Check MIGRATION notes for important information on this release.
This applies if you have customized spells, or use MagicWorlds or dtlTraders.
- Big under-the-hood changes to support batched actions
- Lift spell works on entities
- Fling works while mounted
- Earthquake throws entities
- Laser lasts for a few seconds, has continuous effect
- Reflect works at arbitrary angles
- Improved handling of config file errors
- Spell shop improvements:
- Added customized spell shops via "spells" parameter
- See engineershop and architectshop
- Add balance to inventory title
- Has confirmation screen
This build only works on 1.8.3 and above!
The resource pack (or your own version of it) is now very important!
Spells, wands and brooms won't look right, and most spell sound effects will not work without the resource pack.
- The /cast command now bypasses cooldowns. If you don't want this, set "cast_console_cooldown_reduction: 0" in config.yml!
- Changed icon for architect wand, you may need to tweak existing ones with
/wand configure icon gold_pickaxe
- Remove the "elder" wand from survival configs.
- You can copy it back in if this is a problem for you
- It conflicted with the potter elder wand in combined configurations
- Build permissions for spells have been split into build vs break.
This mainly affects Towny integration, but if you are using the bypass_build
config option, or the bypass_build permission you may need to include bypass_break
for the same effect.
- Haste, health regen and hunger regen were removed in place of potion effects.
- You may have (Admin, Wolf) wands that made you invulnerable but no longer do.
You'll need to get a new one, or do "/wand configure protected true"
The worth_items list in config.yml has changed to "currency", and the format is different.
If you have a customized physical economy, please take note!
Spell shops were re-balanced. You can now tweak the "worth_base" value in config.yml to scale
spell prices up or down.
Spell shops now default to an emerald-based economy (rather than XP) if Vault is not found.
This is configurable via worth_items in config.yml.
4.6 is a major change under the hood, the biggest since 4.0. I've tried to keep everything
mostly the same, but there are some changes to be aware of.
General updates
- MagicWorlds will need to be updated to 1.2
- Changed configuration options related to construction interval / max blocks
- The default restricted material list is much less restrictive. Building with TNT, emeralds, ore, etc is now allowed.
- Updated and fixed dtlTraders integration.
- You will need to fix your spell and wand shops- sorry
- You may need to disable brush/spell/wand glow until an issue in dtlTraders is resolved
Custom spell configurations
If you have a custom spell configuration with "actions:" in it, you may need to update:
- Iterate action renamed to Line
- ReplaceMaterial action renamed to ModifyBlock
- CoverAction split into Disc and Cover
- To reproduce previous behavior, change "Cover" to "Disc" and add a "Cover" under it
- Disc builds a Disc, Cover searches for the topmost block, up or down, on one block
Just in case anyone is actually using the API:
- Changed API cast() methods to return success/failure
- The "undo" spell changed its key to "rollback" to match the spell's name.
- FlowerSpell flower lists moved to parameters section
- Multi-target base spells no longer supported, must use ConeOfEffectAction (see: laser, push)
- API Change: Spell.playEffects changed to use a CastContext
- Many default spells migrated to the new "action" system.
- Default configs changed drastically, all auto-undo.
- Enchanting path options changed from max_xp_max and max_xp_regeneration to max_mana and max_mana_regeneration
- Commands in command spell parameters have changed slightly.
(@t -> @tn, @p -> @pn for target and player names)
- All of the particle effect names have changed (internal EffectLib change).
There is a PHP script available to help migrate custom configs. - WorldGuard 6 or higher is now required for region support!
- The "enable_creative_mode_ejecting" in config.yml now controls the creative mode special
behavior. If you have "enable_custom_item_hacks" set to false, you probably want to set
enable_creative_mode_ejecting to false also.
- Some magic items (spells, upgrades) may need to be updated. Sorry!
- The "xp" casting cost has changed to "mana" ("xp" is still valid, but consumes player XP)
- If you have a completely custom spells.yml, search are replace "xp:" for "mana:" to fix.
- Drop support for Cratbukkit 1.6 - 1.7.2 is now the minimum required version
- Update to EffectLib 2.0 - all effect class names have changed
- The configuration option "wand_enchantable_item" is now off by default. This means
that wands won't change to a wooden sword when enchanting. If you are using a pre-1.7.9
version of Bukkit, you may (or may not) need to put this option back in config.yml
- The particle effect names have changed to the EffectLib versions is all places:
Enchanting is now customizable via multiple enchanting paths. If you had previously modified the "random"
template in wands.yml, you will need to transfer your work to enchanting.yml.
There are also now multiple different enchanting paths, review wands.defaults.yml,
you will need to override "path" for wands if you want them to continue to all use
the same enchanting path (now called "master"). -
Crafting is now customizable, there are several new recipes apart from the old
blaze rod + nether star default. Please review crafting.defaults.yml and adjust
accordingly, especially if you have a customized crafting configuration.