Magic 7.10.4
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UploadedSep 21, 2020
Size2.79 MB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.16
- 1.15
- 1.14
- 1.13
- 1.12
- 1.11
- 1.10
- 1.9
- Fix exploit/dupe bugs with keep-inventory plugins and wands
- Fix how using `example: engineering` or `example: automata` removes survival configs
- Fix copper_chunk item log-spam on older Spigot versions
- Fix paste spell and building with schematics stalling the server
- Allow mana_max_boost and mana_regeneration boost on classes and modifiers
- The deprecated xp_max_boost and xp_regeneration_boost properties no longer work
- Add "angry" option for wolf mobs, default interval to 1 second if not specified and using interval triggers
- Add Equation action .. not sure what you'd use this for, but there is a spiral example in elworld/spells
- Added Sound and Particle effectlib effects, and "probability" parameter
- The Tame action/spell can now be used to make foxes trust you
- Add "fox_type" mob parameter
- Add EquationVolume action, see surface example
- The Commit spell will now clear all of a player's undo queues, preventing cross-server undo from staying forever