This project is WIP and you can check it out at
MachineBukkit is a plugin which allows user to build machine by placing a block with a sign on it.It's aim is to write a whole machine system without mods.
MachineBukkit offers a group of API so that plugin developers can write their own machines easily.
- Machines support in Vanilla Minecraft.
- Machines can report things about itself by writing on the sign or triggering redstone.
- API for developers to make,register,control and protect machines.
- Put MachineBukkit.jar into (ServerDir)/plugins/ folder.
- Start the server.
- Stop the server to configure the settings.
- Restart the server and enjoy it!
- Place a base block(such as iron block,gold block,even cobblestone).
- Place a sign with [Machine] in the first line and the machine's name in the second line on the base block.
- Place material into the sign to build the machine.
- Place material into the machine to work!
- Set MachineBukkit as depandacy.
- Make a machine class extends BaseMachine or other classes in api package,and implement the methods.
- Register your machine in YourPlugin.onEnable().
- You can also implement interface Machine to make sub API.
- Want to help developing the plugin?Fork it on GitHub and help!
- Base plugin and API development.
- Demo plugin(temporarily a SoilMaker for Skyblock-like maps).
- Hopper support.
- Vault support.
- Protector(such as Lockette and LWC) support.
- SpoutPlugin support.
Looks Awesome...Maybe give out a development Release?
Im really hoping to see this soon