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What steps will reproduce the problem?Made a pipelne to connect to a fabricator, to make stone into Stone bricks.As soon as teh fabricator recieves the stone, it creates full stacks of Music discs (number 13)
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?Fabricator is suposed to create stone Bricks, Instead I receive Music Discs
What version of the product are you using?v3.3.3 and CB 1.2.5 R1.3
Do you have an error log of what happened?Negative, In game item errors
Please provide any additional information below.The stacn of music discs are also bugged.
Tested with MachinaCraft 4.0.0 in a Chest Relay (with stacks of Stone) -> Fabricator (2x2 stone recipe) -> destination chest.
Works fine for me, the fabricator creates normal stone stacks.
Can you try this with only MachinaCraft installed and no other plugins? A plugin that does anything with the game's recipe list could be influencing the fabricator's result. If it works with no other plugins, try adding your other plugins back one by one to find out which one causes it.
Using an old version of Recipemanager. It used to use music disks as the placeholder for recipes. Newest versions would make dead grass.
@batlham: Go
How do you mean placeholder? The placeholder of what?
Alright so it looks like RecipeManager's use of placeholder recipes is causing this issue. If RecipeManager's API becomes stable enough I may hook into this but for now I would just recommend against trying to use the Fabricator with RecipeManager recipes.
Is this still an issue?
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