
Don't you hate those big trees where you cannot reach those high blocks while standing on the ground. Trees should be felled like a boss, so take them down with Lumberjack while your feet are still touching the ground!

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Lumberjack released!

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What does Lumberjack do?

Lumberjack detects if a player destroys a wood block that is part of a tree. The highest wood block will be destroyed instead of the block that the player destroyed, unless it is the same block of course. Works for oak, birch and redwood trees!

No more annoying trees! Please support this project by leaving a comment with your thoughts on it!

Help it doesn't work!?

If you have downloaded this plugin and it doesn't seem to work for you, ensure the following things:

  1. download the latest craftbukkit server and Lumberjack
  2. is Lumberjack enabled? Type the following command to be sure:
    1. /lumberjack enable
  3. does the tree you are chopping meet the following requirements?
    1. is block you are chopping connected to the the complete trunk?
    2. is the base of the trunk (the lowermost block) placed on a dirt (without grass) block?
    3. is the trunk of the tree connected to at least 4 naturally grown leaf blocks?
  4. (versions before 1.0.1v1) If you have NoCheat enabled then make sure to set the following options (found by ace1177)
    1. blockbreak.reach.check = false
    2. blockbreak.direction.check = false
    3. blockbreak.noswing.check = false

Lumberjack commands

As of version 1.8.1v2, Lumberjack has 4 commands. The commands can be viewed by typing /lumberjack . Most of the commands can be combined e.g. /lumberjack enable silent . It is also possible to use the shorter versions of the options, the 'hotnames' e.g. /lumberjack e s . This has the same result as the previous command.

description: enables Lumberjack
hotname: e

description: disables Lumberjack
hotname: d

description: hides most Lumberjack messages
hotname: s

description: shows all Lumberjack messages
hotname: n

Future Features

I decided to create a page that enlists all the plans I have for Lumberjack. If you have suggestions or fresh new ideas, feel free to leave a comment on the plans page!

Supporting the author

If you use and /or like /dislike Lumberjack, then please let me know why and what changes you would like to see! It really motivates me to continue the development :)

If you are a really nice person, you know that it takes time to develop plugins and you are willing to drink a glass of milk instead of a milkshake to save a dollar, then you can donate that dollar here


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 19, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Jan 2, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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